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Real Hazing

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Broken Birds, Part 18, Full Circle

Part 18
Full Circle
They found her on a fairway of an exclusive golf course.
She lay where she had fallen, curled in a fetal position, her face resting in a pool of vomit. Duct tape wrapped around her head, eyes and ears prevented her from most sensory input. It had some writing on it. One earlobe hung down, ripped when they had used her earrings to impale her mouth. She still tasted the female juice, semen, feces and piss. She smelled foul. Her hands were taped behind her back. Dried blood caked her knees and one of her nipples. Fresh blood dripped onto her hideously bruised inner thighs. Dark, angry lines crisscrossed her ass, thighs and breasts.
The message written across the duct tape said, “Tell Robert how it feels.”
Mercifully, she would never remember the ride to the hospital or the horror of her examination.
Her first conscious memory was of her father yelling into his cell phone about castrating the bastards.
The nurse touched his arm, nodding to the bed. He quickly terminated the call and went to her bedside where his wife sat, holding her hand.
The girl lay perfectly still, staring at the ceiling, one eye covered with a patch where her eyelid had ripped when they removed the duct tape. Caked blood lined one nostril.
Her mother spoke in soft, gentle tones, trying to reach her. It was no use. The girl was reliving a nightmare she could not understand.
Finally a nurse came in and injected a liquid into the drip and the girl closed her eyes, never having moved an inch or uttered a sound.
“I’m sorry Senator,” the graying female trauma counselor said softly, “She’s trying to process it all. She’ll begin reacting when she’s ready. I have no idea when. When she does come out of it, she’ll need a lot of love and help.”
“But she’ll be OK, right?” asked her mother.
“I don’t know, Mrs. McDale. I hope so, but there are no guarantees.”
He took his wife in his arms as she started sobbing uncontrollably. Senator McDale’s blood pressure caused his face to redden and bulge, but he comforted her.
A State Police Captain approached him.
“Do you have the bastards that did this to her?” he demanded.
The Captain looked unhappy. “They apparently used condoms, so there’s no DNA. They washed her down, flushed her colon and douched her thoroughly, so most forensics are gone. No fingerprints that we could find. They used common tape and marker. She walked quite a way based on her foot cuts, so we don’t even know where they put her out. No fingernail scrapings. They apparently came up from behind and used an electric prod to subdue her. She’s not able to tell us anything. This was a planned attack. Based on the message, it was by someone angry with your son. We’ll look into other complaints against him. There were a number of girls that came forward after that Shannon girl’s message. We’ll check them out.”
“In other words, you have nothing.”
The Captain nodded.
“Do you think it has anything to do with the Shannon girl?” he asked reluctantly.
“I don’t think so. It would make no sense. That was several years ago. If her family or friends wanted to hurt Robert, they had a perfect opportunity. Instead, she helped him. She’s a rape victim. After what she went through, I doubt she could even think about hurting another woman that way,” he thought a minute, “I think it is probably the brother of a victim. Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing if the victim is one of those that came forward.”
Actually the Captain had a pretty good idea of the attackers, or at least two of them. He also knew he would never prove it. Sons of the rich almost never got charged. His sister had not been raped, but his girlfriend had.
The nurse scuttled in, asking the McDales to come with her.
The doctor sat with them. She was a younger version of the trauma counselor, slender with kind eyes.
“Physically, your daughter sustained a number of injuries. First, when the cops ripped the tape off, they damaged her eyelid. That needs to be repaired immediately as those nerves and muscles are pretty complex and can be permanently damaged easily.” They nodded. The doctor signaled to the nurse. “Get the room ready.”
“Second she has sphincter and vaginal tearing that we’ll need to repair. Fortunately, her cervix and uterus are OK. She has esophageal bruising, but not so severe that we needed to do a tracheotomy.”
“She has jaw bruising and possible ligament damage from having her jaw stretched too far by some sort of dental device. She also has some lung damage from ingesting urine or vomit.”
Mrs. McDale sobbed uncontrollably. The doctor patted her hand. “All of that we can fix, but I can’t promise anything about her emotional health.”
Senator McDale was famous for holding composure when others lost theirs. His mind raced, knowing there was something that had been said that might help.
His eyes tightened at the thought. The Shannon girl had come through her hell. He wondered how. He knew Peter was dead, but Senator McDale had many friends. He had to find out, completely forgetting his word to Peter.
Two days later Tim called on the sattelite phone, never a good sign. He explained what had happened and what the Senator wanted for his daughter.
The last thing Michael wanted was to help McDale again. Beth had nightmares for weeks after giving her statement. Now he wanted her to break cover and expose herself.
First he went to Alice and explained. Alice knew Beth well. It had to be her decision.
They found Beth in animated discussion with Maria. Maria had blossomed in the days since they made love, becoming quietly confident rather than insecurely cocky. She had been right after all. Even Alice agreed. They had fixed her, after a fashion.
After explaining that the McDales wanted Beth to come to them, she looked at Michael. Inside she fought her natural empathy with her own needs. It was a testament to her recovery when she said, “No. I won’t be away from you or the girls for months helping her.”
Alice put a hand on Michael’s arm. “Would it be safe to bring her here? We have Alice and Jennifer.”
“I’ll have to think about that one,” Michael said trying to buy time, his mind racing, slowly shaking his head. Rafaela and the Walsh women were still too vulnerable.
He phoned Tim. “Tim, what if we brought the girl to a neutral place or here? Beth won’t be away from us and, I Goddamn well don’t want to be away from her. What about the safe house in South Australia?”
“Let me check if we can get some surrounding houses.”
“Don’t commit to anything yet, I just want to know my options.”
He returned to Beth and Alice and explained the possible option.
Tim called back and said he could make it happen, though it would be expensive, but the Senator would pay.
Tim contacted a friend who, in turn, contacted the Senator. It was weak security at best, but Tim also saw the upside. If he helped the Senator’s daughter, his security work would double or triple.
Senator McDale took his laptop into his daughter’s room, her refuge from the world since being discharged from the hospital. The doctors were hopeful that her eyelid repair would work, but privately they doubted it. The tear had cut major nerves.
The trauma counselors were concerned with both Kat and Robert who blamed himself for her rape.
She had been lying on her bed staring at the ceiling. She rolled away from him, hiding the bandage over her eye. She gasped as the movement ripped new scar tissue from the stitches in her vaginal floor.
“Come on Honey. I wanted to show you something.”
He opened the laptop and played the message from Beth.
A lovely blonde woman was on the screen, “Hello Kat,” she said softly, “my name is Beth, and yes, I was raped by your brother.” She paused as a brief flashback of Robert on top of her sent chills down her back.
“I won’t lie to you. I still remember that terrible night and will for the rest of my life. But with the help of an incredible man and my family, I’ve learned to live, love and laugh again.”
“I’ve been told you’ve seen my before and after video, so you know it can be done. I can’t promise it will help, but if you like, we’d like to try to help. But I will not abandon my family, even for you, so it will mean leaving your family for a time, maybe a long time. I know, I am still healing.”
“So it’s really up to you. Reach out to people that have been through the hideously painful hell you’re in or sink ever deeper into it.” Beth paused.
“If you’re coming, Honey, come soon. You won’t be sorry.”
Kat looked up at her father, her lower lip quivering. The pain in her eyes ripped his soul.
“Do you want to go, Honey?”
She nodded many times, over and over, “it can be done…” For the first time since her rape, she slept without pills that night, clinging to the hope of salvation from another tortured soul.
Robert came home from his University two days later to say goodbye. He and Kat had always been close. Kat was preparing to leave. He looked into her eye and saw the unbearable agony, understanding for the first time the terrible impact of the rapes. He reached out to her. She just looked at him, her face blank.
“Now do you understand?” She walked away, tears filling her eyes.
Tim had arranged the trip so Michael, the harem and Michaela would be settled into the safe house in St Kilda before Kat arrived in Melbourne. It was far smaller than the main house, but comfortable nonetheless with three stories. The difference between Queensland and South Australia in winter was, however, quite large.
Michael began to regret the trip. The girls were uncomfortable and snappish being away from their home for a total stranger.
The moment Kat walked in the door, however maternal and empathic instincts kicked in.
Beth hugged her first, feeling Kat shaking, then handed her off to Rachael who stroked her hair, telling her it would be all right. Each of the girls hugged her. Finally she stood in front of Michael who held Michaela.
He put one arm around Kat’s shoulders and spoke to Michaela, “Meet your aunt Kat.”
Alice watched with open admiration as Kat began to relax, “Hi Michaela,” she cooed putting out her finger to be grasped. Alice thought wryly that she should just give up and let Michael sort things out.
After three days, Kat was part of the family; after seven, she knew the basics, but no last names or geographic information about each of them; after two weeks of intensive therapy she had stopped descending into her private hell. Now she had to climb out.
Unfortunately, her eyelid nerves had been damaged and the lid drooped disconsolately, so she was reminded of her rape every day. It became the center of her hell until one day, feeling sorry for herself, she wailed, “I’m ruined” in front of Shoshana and Beth. Shoshana slapped her. Not hard, but it was a slap. Shoshana was so kind and gentle that you could have heard a pin drop.
“Don’t say that. You’re not perfect, but you never were! Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Beth my mom or I would trade places with you in a New York minute! You can create life. We can’t. What’s more important, holding your child to your breast or a drooping eyelid? We gave up our lives to help you and all you can do is feel sorry for yourself!” Shoshana stormed off.
Time seemed to stand still.
Slowly, as if in slow motion, Kat’s face seemed to come apart, tears of shame streaming down her face, as she repeated, “I’m sorry.”
Alice took her into her arms. Shoshana had played her part perfectly. Not even Michael knew, but his eyes suspected.
That night was a harrowing trip through hell for both Kat and Alice. By taking away her sight and sound, her rapists had intensified her other senses, indelibly printing each and every moment in her brain. As Michael rose early the next morning, he found Alice sitting at the kitchen table with a glass of wine.
“Shoshana slapping her was a set up wasn’t it?”
Alice nodded, “Kat was stuck. I didn’t want you to un-stick her, so Shosh and I worked out the little play.”
“A couple more weeks and she’ll at least be functional.” Alice hesitated, “She could use a change of scenery. We all could. Can you see what Tim thinks about us going home?”
Kat slept till noon, coming out as they were eating lunch. She looked different. She went over to Shoshana, pulled back her hand as if to hit her and, seeing Shoshana’s eyes widen, threw her arms around her. “You’re a pretty good actress.” Giggling.
“I think I would have liked Michael’s way better,” she said smiling.
As they ate, she interacted with the family as an equal, not a victim.
“Kat, I have a big question to ask. Can you keep a secret? I mean really keep one, no matter what?” Michael asked, searching her face.
She looked at him a bit fearfully, but answered with conviction, “If it’s important, I swear I will.”
Each of them looked her in the eye, “then I think you better pack. We’re leaving tomorrow. We’re going home. A home you can never tell anyone about. Deal?”
She nodded firmly.
Their relief was obvious when they entered the main house. Within hours, they were in the lap pool with Michaela cooing happily in Kat’s arms.
Whereas the focus had been on helping Kat at the safe house, the focus in the compound switched back to the Michael and his harem. How a woman could share her man puzzled Kat. She approached Beth and asked, knowing that it had been her decision.
“Two parts to the answer. First, I had come to love Rachael, Lynne and Shoshana while we were in hiding. The others came one at a time. Rafaela, Alice, Jennifer and Maria joined. It’s a little sad for me, but they all need my Dad and they make sure I am happy. When I get down, he makes sure to refill my love bucket, and I don’t mean my pussy.” She grinned, knowing she had shocked Kat.
“The other part was practical. I can’t make a child. God knows, I would give anything to hold a baby I had made with Dad, but it just wasn’t possible, so I will be the aunt who looks great in a bikini!”
Kat realized just how much Beth meant to her. “Do you think your Dad would let me give him a child?
Beth shook her head slowly. “He could never live apart from his child and you have a world to return to. Besides, any sharing has to be agreed by his entire harem.”
“But you come first. Everyone knows that.”
Beth just smiled and left the room. In the bedroom, she wept for happiness. Dad was right, he’d loved her longest and would never leave her.
That night, Kat had a nightmare reliving her rape in vivid detail.
She felt a jab of something with two points. Her body exploded as the stun baton discharged into her back.
The strong arm across her throat, while others grabbed her arms, quickly taping her hands behind her back. She tried to kick, but her legs would not obey. Each leg was caught, effectively immobilizing her. Then the tape across her eyes and ears. She was on the ground, twisting and trying to get enough air to scream…”
“Get it in her Goddamn mouth,” she heard faintly through the tape. Something metallic tasting was jammed in her mouth, the lips of the device folded over her lower and upper teeth. Two strong hands pried her mouth open wide. She could hear and feel it clicking by her ears as it ratcheted open, holding her mouth obscenely stretched open. A rag was stuffed in to prevent any sound escaping.
Her captor twisted her around and slammed her face first into the ground, knocking the wind out of her. Other hands picked her up and she felt herself being thrown in the trunk of a car. She tried to kick, but her body wouldn’t obey her. As the short circuits calmed, she tried to make enough noise to attract help, but they had chosen their route carefully.
She heard and felt the trunk open and kicked out hoping to catch one of them unwary. A hand slapped her face hard.
She was carried down a flight of stairs and dumped on a bed. As she continued to struggle, something with points was pressed against her pussy with only her thin thong as protection. Unimaginable pain shot through her body as electric shock passed through her clit into her body. Whoever used it, knew how to cause a woman unbelievable pain!
She could hear faint mumbling, but the center of her being was her clit. They stripped her, cutting her shirt and bra clear so her hands remained bound. Once naked, strong hands pulled her into a kneeling position. She felt the bed sag near her head. The rag was pulled from her stretched mouth and was replaced by a man’s shaft. She had performed a few blow jobs, but this penis tasted and smelled funny.
Behind her a man fumbled a bit and slid his condom clad cock along her opening to part her inner lips, finally finding his target. He grasped her hips and thrust forward brutally. The condom insulated his cock from the brutal chaffing of her dry tunnel. As she tried to scream, the cock in her mouth slammed against the back of her throat. The man in front pinched her nose, forcing her to gasp for air and open her throat. On the next thrust into her pussy, his cock entered her throat.
Her mind reeled at the double penetration. The man in front pulled her forward violently by her ears, ripping an earring out as it tore through her earlobe. His cock started to pulse, sending jets of semen down her throat. She desperately pulled back, trying to clear her air passage. His hands let her go and she violently impaled herself on the rapist behind her. In her dark, silent world of pain, another pair of hands pulled her face up and another cock shoved roughly into her mouth.
She felt the man behind pulse and shoot his cum into the condom. Another man took his place, but aimed higher. He at least used a lubricated condom, but she felt her sphincter rip as he thrust forward without preparing her in any way. She felt every bulge and vein of the impaling cocks. They hammered her in rhythm. The man at her head shot his cum into her mouth.
The man behind began circling his hips, ripping her sphincter a little more with each movement. A thin wooden switch slashed across her back. Her muscles tightened involuntarily, her damaged ass contracted. Again and again the switch found her back and ass. After an eternity of pain, he shot his semen into his condom.
They used it on the back of her thighs, then her feet.
They flipped her over. A woman lowered her dripping pussy over her mouth, rubbing her slit on her nose and lips, brutally twisting her nipples. She screamed into the wet folds, unintentionally extending her tongue. The pain in her nipples subsided. She understood and began to lick the slick labia above her mouth. Another man pushed her legs high, the woman on her face pulled them further, locking them behind her back, effectively bending her in half. The position exposed her violated ass and ravaged pussy.
An enormous cock slammed into her ass. Mercifully, she had passed beyond pain into numbness. After him, another man slid into her pussy. The woman moved and a man’s ass replaced her pussy, twisting her nipples until she extended her tongue and licked his ass hole.
Six men and one woman used her. Finally they released her legs. They picked her up and laid her on a cold tiled floor. A woman’s hands pushed her down. She lay on her back as they began to urinate into her open mouth. Female fingers pinched her nose closed so she had to swallow the pee to breathe. She vomited. More pee poured into her stretched mouth. She swallowed and vomited again.
A feces covered cloth was finally shoved into her mouth to keep her quiet. Soft, female hands spread her pussy lips. The cold prongs pressed again and Kat’s world exploded into a universe of pain.
She remembered being in a cold shower and then being back into the trunk of a car. She curled into a ball n the trunk, in part from cold, but more because she was broken. They pulled her from the trunk. She could feel them writing something on the tape, removed the rag and mouth device and kicked her to the ground. Someone delivered one final kick to her solar plexus to immobilize her as they escaped.
She heard them drive off and began to crawl and stumble away from the car noise. She could feel the blood running down her leg, smell their urine and taste their feces.
She was screaming, feeling the pain and humiliation. She violently shoved away loving arms until steely arms engulfed her. She slashed with her nails and connected. Then her arms were pinned to her sides. She tried to knee him, but he easily dodged. He lowered his lips to hers. Her eyes snapped open. Her first thought was that Michael was raping her. But she saw the other women.
“You back in control, Honey?” he asked with genuine concern in his voice.
“God, you’re strong,” he felt the deep scratches on his face now dripping blood, “and good with your nails,” he chuckled.
“Why’d you kiss me?”
“You were out of control. We were afraid you’d hurt yourself. When that happened with Beth, I kissed her. She snapped out of it. I took a chance you’d wakeup too.”
Kat surveyed her room. Broken glass from broken picture frames littered the rooms. She looked at her hand and saw blood.
Jennifer had been riding his cock in a reverse cowgirl position when they heard Kat’s screams. She looked sadly at the retreating harem. Now she was their doctor.
“We’ll clean it up in the morning. Use the spare bedroom.”
“Go with them,” Kat said to Alice and Jennifer. Kat felt very guilty. Both shook their heads.
“Michael, you better come too. Those are pretty deep,” Jennifer said as she looked carefully at the scratches.
They led Michael and Kat to the infirmary.
As Jennifer treated her hand, Alice listened as Kat detailed her rape. After detailing the use of the taser on her clit, Jennifer put on a band with a magnifying glass. She had Kat lie with her feet in the stirrups. She found a tiny burn scar with a little blood clot beneath on the underside of Kat’s clit.
“Fuck!” Jenifer spat, “What kind of an OB/GYN missed this?” Turning to a frightened Kat, “Sorry Honey. Why didn’t you tell me you hurt?” Kat looked near to tears.
“I was afraid I’d been ruined.” She wailed, sitting up.
Jennifer gently pushed her down. “I’ll fix you up.”
Then Jennifer went to Michael. “Dueling scar or stitches?” Normally Michael really didn’t care, but he thought about Kat. “Better stitch it up, Honey. I don’t want Kat looking at my mug and remembering her rape.”
Jennifer went to work.
Twenty minutes later with Michael stitched up, they slowly walked back with them to the main house, to home.

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How about a pic? – Chapter One

How about a pic – Chapter One
One day, not too long ago, I was sitting around the house very bored. My wife and kids had gone to their sister’s lake house. I opted out to do “yard work” and basically do whatever the hell I wanted to.
I was procrastinating as it was pretty hot outside when I received a text. I went to check it and got side-tracked with something silly on television. After finally getting the gumption to head outside, I figured check my phone before heading out to crank up the lawn mower.
To my surprise, I had received a text message from my sister in law that stated, “How about a pic?”
I sent her a reply. “Sorry sweetie, you must have sent this to the wrong person,” and headed outside.
After an hour or so, I had finished mowing and headed back in for some refreshment and checked my phone for messages, calls from my wife, etc. I saw that I had a voicemail. It was from Gina, my wife, letting me know that they had decided to stay the rest of the weekend and that I was on my own for dinner unless I wanted to come on over to the lake which was about 2.5 hours away.
The lake did sound good and I was tempted to brush off the work I had been neglecting around the house. I thought better of it and figured now was as good a time as any to get this stuff done and maybe get some thank you sex from my wife. Sex was few and far between with her the past few years. We’re still very much in love, but the spark in our relationship had certainly diminished. I guess the hope was what got me to work in the yard in the first place.
I decided to return her call. We chatted for a few minutes and I assured her that the time at home would be well worth it for the yard and for me. I updated her on the progress and she seemed somewhat engaged with the conversation. She laughed at my jokes about the next door neighbor’s yard and added that her sister and brother-in-law were wonderful hosts and that all the cousins were getting along famously. I was relieved that everyone was having a good time and the mood there seemed very relaxed and fun. I did feel a bit weird for not obliging the invitation, but I was enjoying some alone time and being outside always seemed to reinvigorate me back to earlier, simpler times. However, I knew the progress I had made could be rewarded and for that I was grateful as well.
“Okay honey, tell Sarah and Mikayla hello and give them big hugs and kisses form their dad. I’ll see ya when you get home.”
With that we hung up as I took a long swig of the water cup I had filled when I came inside. I hit “end” on the phone to end my conversation when I noticed I had missed a text message as well. I pulled up the text and it was again from my sister-in-law, Hannah. I click on the message that said.
“How ‘bout you send me a pic anyway?”
I replied, a bit perplexed with her text.
“What kind of pic do you want? I’m alone this weekend, so you never know what you’re going to get! :)”
I liked to tease my sister in law. She was about 10 years younger than my wife and certainly enjoyed being the “baby” of the family and took every opportunity to play her part. She seemed to have no real direction in life.
Her parents had bought a house for her close to town. It was an older home that they had completely re-done. It was in an “up and coming neighborhood,” where loads of hipsters had landed and provided for an eclectic mix of people from all walks of life. This is where my sister-in-law seemed to be thriving for now and I certainly saw her attitudes mature as well. Coming from a strict up-bringing, I think that she was still in her rebellious phase. I think she partied some, but still was able to maintain her “good girl” standing with the family which kept the checks rolling in from her parents.
Almost as soon as I hit send from my phone I received an immediate reply with a multi-media message from her. It was a picture of Hannah with a skimpy two-piece on with the caption, “do you think this is too small?”
I had to rub my eyes when I first saw the pic. I also double-checked to make sure it was from Hannah, thinking maybe she had accidentally sent it to me instead of one of her boy friends.
It was indeed Hannah, in a swim suit…a two piece that didn’t leave a ton to the imagination. My mind raced and I could feel my balls stir. I was 12 years her senior and I had practically watched this girl grow up, but it still caused a familiar stirring in my loins. I was a little bit shocked, more turned on and definitely wondering how far this would go.
Let me describe Hannah for you. She stands about 5’8” tall with blond hair down to her shoulders. She is not skinny, but she’s certainly not fat. She’s definitely buxom, with the right amount of meat on her bones. She has very nice curves with at least D cup boobs, could be a little smaller or bigger, but the swimsuit definitely made them look large as the fabric from the top only covered some of them.
The bikini bottom seemed to accentuate her curvy hips. They were the perfect shape with the nicest and cheeks I’d seen in a while. They had the perfect amount of tightness and bounciness, which I hope makes sense. I had admired it from afar all too long, so it was nice to get a better view, even though the pic was small. I wondered what everything looked like underneath and I imagined a smoothly shaved pussy and asshole, ripe for a cock like man to use and abuse.
Although the picture this was a side view, definitely taken with her cell phone in a mirror in her bathroom, I got a full view of her glorious figure. She definitely had curves in the right places.
I couldn’t believe that I was seeing my sister-in-law in this state of dress…or rather almost undress. Sure, I had seen her in a swimsuit throughout the years. She always looked good but she always wore a modest one piece suit around the family. So, seeing her this way was certainly a welcome sight. Sure, I had dreamed about her from time to time, but nothing ever came of it, nor did I ever expect it to…until now. I saw just a tiny glimmer of hope and figured that she was just being a tease. I shook my head a few times and sent a reply.
“Hannah, this is your brother-in-law Mike. Did you mean to send this to me?”
I was pleased with my reply, thinking that for some reason, this was some sort of weird test conjured up by my wife and Hannah.
“Bling-Bling,” my phone chirped at me just as I was about to put it down with one word.
Nothing else. I waited a few minutes and my phone chimed again.
“Of course I know it’s you! What are you doing?”
I replied, “Yard work, want to help?”
“Ick…that sucks, can I come use your pool?”
“Sure, but you may have to wear something different than what’s in the pic,” I answered, again proud of myself for passing yet another test.
“Ok, I’ve got something better! You’ll like it for sure. See you in a few.”
I wasn’t sure what ‘something better’ meant but figured that it would be more like she normally wore around our pool with the family here. I secretly hoped for her to wear the skimpy suit from the pic. However, I wasn’t sure I could stand having a scantily-clad, young woman lounging around my pool while I worked in the yard…although I really didn’t mind. Hey, a guy can dream can’t he.
I figured Hannah would come over, go for a swim, lay out in what was left of the afternoon sun and then go hang with her friends. That was pretty typical behavior for her in the summer time. I certainly didn’t mind and definitely didn’t mind when she brought her friends over as well. From time to time Hannah would bring friends with her and having late 20’s and early 30 year old single women almost naked around my pool was always a good thing and provided plenty of “spank bait” for later.
I was proud of myself for passing my perceived “test” and went back out to the yard to finish the trimming and the yard.
I fired up the trimmer and headed into the back yard to hit around the trees and make sure everything was ship shape. Our yard, in places, had become pretty overgrown and I chided myself for not giving it the TLC it needed to be the showplace we’d always dreamed of. Our 7 foot privacy fence enclosed an expansive backyard with the pool, huge, hardwood-trees, flower beds a small creek that ran through the back corner complete with a gazebo and fire pit for entertaining friends and family on cool evenings.
I was very proud of the backyard, it had been my design from the beginning and I had let it get out of control. As I continued working on the overgrowth, I hadn’t noticed that Hannah had let herself in and was lying by the pool. I quickly glanced back as I saw her easing into a chaise lounge to sun. Of course she had perfectly aligned herself with the sun between the trees. It was getting to be about 3pm and I knew the sun would duck down below the tree line in an hour or so and steal the sun from baking her skin.
I hadn’t really noticed what she was wearing, but as I finally had finished trimming, I realized that I was hot and thirsty so I headed back to the house. I was looking down at the ground, feeling dog tired as I yelled out to Hannah, “Hey Hannah, I’ll join you in a few minutes. I’ll bring some beers too,” I said and kept my eyes towards the ground and continued the trek back to the shed near the garage.
“Hey there…she said in a flirty voice. Ohhh good. Bring some of that good tequila and we can do body shots too,” as she chuckled a bit.
I didn’t answer. I passed the pool and trudged back up towards the house with the trimmer and my sweat covered self to get things back to where they belonged while promising myself that I’d ever let the backyard go like I had ever again. Although I didn’t take a long look, I noticed, from the corner of my eye, that my sister-in-law was showing a lot of skin. I think my mind was playing tricks on me and I quickly hurried to put away the yard tools.
Man, was it hot. Summers in the south are known for their heat, but also for their humidity. You could almost cut the air with a knife. I was happy to be done for the day’s chores and desperately needed some relief from the heat. I went inside quickly threw on my swim trunks and headed for the kitchen to grab a big jug of cold water from the fridge. I opened the jug and drank a few swigs as my eyes gazed through the breakfast room window over the pool.
In the middle of one of the gulps, my eyes saw her. I gasped and tried to swallow but gagged instead. Water shot through my nose as I closed my eyes. A mix of, “Oh shit, I’m choking,” and “I can’t believe it,” raced through my mind as I turned to the sink to spit out the rest of the water in my mouth as the other bit dripped from my nose. I coughed a few times and wiped my face and gathered my composure. I took another look as I shook my head a few times to make sure my eyes could actually see what they saw just a few seconds before.
There…on the chaise lounge was Hannah…completely topless. Not on her back like a lot of women do in the sun, but her wonderful D cup boobs, wonderfully oiled, glistening in the afternoon sun and for me to gaze upon in desire…as well as almost choke to death. Hannah had her sunglasses on so I’m not sure if she was looking at me, but her head was certainly turned in my direction. I assumed she was looking straight at me. Her chest was much better than I had ever dreamed. She had perfectly round, puffy nipples with a thin pale strip of light skin that circled the outer areola creating a thing almost white line between where her nipple ended and her skin began. Her chest heaved in the sunlight as I detected small beads of sweat drifting slowly between the two wonderful globes protruding from her chest.
Admittedly, my cock jumped inside the constraints of my swim trunks as I continued to gather myself from nearly choking a few seconds ago. The flirtation between us had certainly been amped up…and I wasn’t going to refuse. In the back of my mind, however, I did warn myself, that this could still be a test. I admired her for about 5 more seconds as I turned back to the kitchen grabbed a cooler bag and stuffed a few beers, the bottle of Patron, she had requested and some ice. I grabbed the jug and headed out to see what, if anything, was next. I surveyed the fridge and grabbed a carton of strawberries and gathered some sliced limes in a baggie and headed out the door.
“Sure is a nice view,” I said laughing quickly walking down to the pool.
“Ya think,” she asked and giggled as her tits jiggled from the laughter. I strode towards her side of the pool like it was no big deal
“I hope you don’t mind me tanning Euro-style today,” she added.
I walked to the chair beside her and placed the cooler bag between her chair and mine, pulled a beer out, opened it and handed it to her.
“Thanks. I could use one of these,” she said
“You’re welcome,” I answered. My eyes gazed at my sister-in-law’s beautiful body. The sun warming her lovely, oiled skin. Beads of sweat dripped down her body making her skin sparkle and the sun beath down on her torso. My cock began to stir again in my shorts. Hannah reached for the beer and touched my hand gently and glanced up. My eyes wandered over her body once more.
“Beautiful,” I said and with that, I dove into the water. It was refreshing! Not only did it wash away the dirt, sweat and grime from my outdoor chores but I emerged from the water feeling almost like a new man. Its’ coolness seemed to restore my aching muscles. I ran my hand through my hair to wipe away the excess water and swam back where Hannah was sitting, almost a little too proudly.
“Hannah, would you hand me a beer,”
“No problem,” she quickly got up from her chaise, bent over the cooler, her boobs hung down perfectly. She turned her ass towards me and seemed to stick them out to taunt me. She grabbed the beer from the cooler and while bent over, I saw her glance and smile at me. I whistled at her and tried to keep a cool demeanor, but I think my jaw opened a bit and I’m sure there was a dumbfounded look on my face when she turned towards me. Her boobs swayed back into place and jiggled ever so slightly as she approached the edge of the pool and reached out to hand the beer to me.
My hand lightly brushed hers as she bent down allowing me a better look at the wonderful globes that protruded from her chest. I quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her in the water, beer and all.
She screamed as her body hit the water making a splash. Hannah tits undulated and swayed as if in slow motion as her body crashed into the water. I knew I was in for it when she recovered from the shock. I started laughing as she emerged from the water quickly. The water splashed over her body and created small rivers that ran between and around her boobs. She flicked her hair back in one swift movement and lunged towards me.
“I’m gonna get you,” she stated coming towards me forgetting, or maybe not, that she was naked from the waist up.
“I dare you,” moving towards the center of the pool, feigning to try to get away from her.
Hannah caught me and literally and placed her hands in the top of my shoulders and jumped up. I had a wonderful view of her tits as they bounced together and mingled with the water. I could see her nipples had constricted from the coolness of the water as she lunged towards me. I was now facing their magnificence and relished the opportunity to be this close to Hannah’s wonderful body. Hannah then pushed herself up as my face was swallowed between. The insides of her tits literally slapped against my ears and I succumbed to her advances, and allowed myself to be dunked into the cool water. Hannah tried to escape but I reached up and pulled her under with me. Her skin felt smooth as I wrapped my arms around her sides. With my head still buried between them, my hands moved to her sides and forcefully pulled them against me. I found my footing and shot up through the water and back to the air above. Keeping the embrace, I pulled her body closer to mine as we re-emerged and both took a huge gasp of oxygen.
We emerged from the water. I was laughing, and I stand at nearly 6’4” tall and I seemed to tower over Hannah’s 5’8” frame. Our bodies were still pressed together and the wonderful sensation of her mounds against my chest was amazing. Just as quickly as I could realize the sensation, she pushed me away. I laughed and released her from my grip and swam to the side to take a swig of my beer.
As I chugged the beer I felt my cock had arrived at the party. It strained against my trunks and I was hoping that playtime wasn’t over.
“You mess with the bull, you get the horns,” I said between chugs of beer, as well as a few laughs.
“The horns huh,” she giggled and approached me.
“C’mon now, I don’t want to hurt you Hannah,” I began to laugh and held my hands up and made a squeezing motion with my fingers as if to squeeze her boobies. I felt a little bit like a middle school kid, but with a way better view.
“I might just like that,” she said and lunged forward. I pushed my hands forward to catch her and finally grasped the sweet globes and felt them beneath my fingers. They had the perfect amount of sponginess to them and could feel the nipple glide along the palm of my hand. Then I realized I had been tricked…of course. Hannah grasped me by the cock. She took it in her hand and then down to my balls and gently squeezed. Not enough to hurt, but enough for me to raise my hands in surrender.
“Ahhh, shit,” I exclaimed.
“Ohhh, the horns huh. Feels more like a horn,” She laughed “a nice one too,” she added and squeezed them a little tighter.
“Shit Hannah, that fucking hurts…”
She let go rather slowly enough for her palm to engulf my swollen member in her hand and slide it off very gently and gave it a light pat.
“Awwww, poor baby, can I rub it?” she asked with a gleam in her eye and innocent look on her face. She slowly opened her mouth and licked her lips as she reached for it again.
I didn’t stop her and just nodded with acceptance and she leaned in closer. I reached my arm around her. Her palm rested against my belly button and slowly undid the tie at the top of my trunks. With one swift movement her hand slipped inside my pants and gently brushed the head of my cock and gently snaked its way around the girth and to the base.
My mouth must have been wide open in disbelief.
“Poor, poor brother-in-law. What have we here?”
She began rubbing it gently up and down and continued to look towards her in disbelief of her display. It wasn’t that I minded…it was just that she just went for it…all of it.
I gently pushed my hands towards her breasts and took one from beneath to feel its weight. I smoothed the goose bumps down gently and rubbed up to meet the nipples with each of my hands.
I then pulled her close. She looked up and we finally had our first of what I hoped would be many kisses. Her lips were glistening with water and looked very inviting. Hannah’s were great, very plump and luscious.
I had imagined kissing her lips quite a few times and I was finally now able to say, they are as good as I had dreamed of. Our lips met and she opened her mouth. I slowly offered my tongue, she obliged by swirling hers around mine and I pulled her closer to me. It was as if electricity surrounded us…partly from the desire between us and the other from the taboo that she and I are brother and sister-in-law.
She worked her hand gently up and down the shaft of my cock as my hands continued exploring her naked back. Her lovely breasts smashed against my chest while my hands roamed her back, making their way to her ample ass cheeks. They felt good to my hands. The fabric of her suit clung tightly to her skin. I gently snuck my hand down the middle of her crack and inside the flimsy fabric of her suit.
Her body jolted as my finger made one swirl around he puckered asshole and I began to move us towards the pool steps to get more comfortable. Her legs wrapped around my waist, we never stopped the kissing and feeling each other’s bodies. She straddled me and gently relaxed her leg muscles and placed her on the steps of the pool.
She looked up at me with a very naughty expression on her face. She moved her index finger up to her lips and said,
“I feel like a naughty girl…”
“I like naughty,” I replied and reached for her suit bottoms.
She lifted her ass enough for me to pull them over her hips and displayed the most amazing and sweetest pussy I’d ever seen. What enveloped my view was perfectly shaved, not a hair or even stubble to be seen with wonderful labia slightly protruding from her gorgeous slit. At the top, this beautiful glistening skin that encased her clit was begging to be sucked and I was happy to oblige.
I kissed Hannah intently as I threw her bikini bottoms to the pool deck. They landed with a thwack as I moved in…she stopped me for a second and began yanking at the sides of my trunks as well. Obliging her desire, I quickly began pulling them down. Not taking my eyes off of Hannah, she stared at the bulge expectantly as the trunks slid across my crotch and brought my cock into her full view.
Now, I’m not hung like a bear, but the girth of my cock is pretty nice, a little over 2” in diameter and not quite 6” long.
My cock sprung from my suit and bounced against the water and then stood parallel to it. Hannah’s eyes widened, although I don’t think she did this intentionally, she licked her lips as if preparing for a delicious meal…which she would get eventually, but I had to get my lips and tongue onto and into her waiting pussy.
“I’ve wanted to see this for a long time. Only a glimpse or two over the years, but those peeks only left me wanting more,” Hannah exclaimed as I dropped to my knees on the bottom step.
“I know the feeling,” looking up at her and staring into her eyes then her boobs then down to her slit, taking one of her legs onto my shoulder and began to kiss my way down to the treasure I was seeking.
Hannah moved her fingers between her legs and gently opened the lips exposing its lovely pink center.
Her ass on the top stair in the pool as the water gently lapped against her opening. She rubbed a circle around it with two of her fingers and offered them to me. I gently suckled them, relishing the sweet aroma.
With one swoop I moved my face forward and attacked her sweet outer lips. My tongue pried them apart and Hannah’s fingers move down to assist as they opened them completely offering them to my assault.
I licked the entire length of her slit, grazing the sweet, pearl-like nub all the way to her canal. My tongue navigating its circumference once and then lunging deep inside. Hannah gasped as I snaked my tongue in her once, swirling around the entrance two more times and then back inside. She continued opening the lips and begging for more.
“Ohhh,” she jolted forward slamming my tongue inside her. “Yes….ewwwwww…ohhhh,” she offered as I snuck my hand up to her opening and sneakily inserted a finger. My tongue licked its way up to her gleaming pearl peeking out from its hood-like enclosure. Hannah pulled the skin back allowing it to come into full view. I took a mouthful of pool water and gently allowed it to wash over her lips and then quickly took the exposed nub into my mouth. I suckled at it gently and swirled my tongue around it a few times as the first shockwaves of an impending orgasm languidly moved through Hannah’s body.
My finger worked in and out of her slippery slit, burying itself deep inside my sister-in-law’s womb and quickly finding her spongy g-spot, my index finger gently raked along the small ripples of skin, all the while I continued sucking her sweet and slippery slit up to her pearl.
“Oh my gawwwwd,” Hannah screamed, almost a little too loudly into the late afternoon air. I quickly added another finger inside her. It slipped in with ease as my hand began pumping in and out of her quickening the pace. Her moans of pleasure continued. I looked up to watch her face. Hannah’s eyes were slammed shut as she bit her lip. Her cheeks were quickly getting flushed as her body inadvertently jerked forward every few seconds. She then bit her bottom lip as she tried to catch her breath and my tongue continued lapping up the sweet nectar that oozed from between her lips.
Sucking her sweet nub and my two-fingered assault was almost too much for Hannah. She placed one of her hands on the back of my head and the other behind her on the step of the pool to steady herself. I felt her body jolt forward slamming my nose between her folds.
“Oh shit….yes,” she yelled at me with more authority. “I’m gonna cum brother! I’m gonna cum all over your face,” she added with more volume.
Finally, I felt the build-up of electricity as she was shoving my face against her body. One last swirl of my tongue and then a long intentional suck of her nub as my fingers worked in and out of her and she let out a tremendous moan,”
“Ohhhhhhh……yeeeeeesssssssssss,” she screamed, wrapping one leg around my head with her hand between. I almost couldn’t breathe but it was nice feeling the heaving of her body so close to mine spasm-ing over and over again.
I lapped up the sweet nectar that had exploded across my face. It was so sweet and yummy, like honey from a fresh hive, I enjoyed its lovely aroma and taste as my two fingers slipped from inside her and she finally released me from her grip.
I looked down at Hannah. Her eyes were closed, her face was flushed her chest pumping up and down as she tried to catch her breath. She mumbled a few times, “Oh my god….oh my god,” trying to catch her breath.
“I’ve never cum so hard in my life,” she added finally opening her eyes to look at me. She reached up and grabbed me and pulled me close and began kissing me hard while reaching down to rub her hand over my cock. She licked and lapped at my face, tasting her own juices. She was animalistic at this point.
She then turned me over and out me in the same place she was sitting a few moments before and quickly slid in front of me and quickly inhaled my cock. In one swallow she took the whole thing inside her.
My eyes rolled back in my head feeling her tongue swirling all around me as the head of my cock plunged into her throat.
Hannah grabbed my hand and placed it on the back of her head and showed me that she wanted me to force her down on all of my cock. I obliged and gently pushed her down as far as she could go. Her hand quickly moved to my balls as she fondled them, I let go of her head allowing her a quick breath before returning her more forcefully down to take my cock into her juicy mouth.
She looked up at me. I took my hand and began pulling her hair up and down. I allowed her another breath and she said, “I want you to fuck my mouth. Please fuck it hard!”
I couldn’t believe the dirty talk and words coming out of her mouth, but I loved it. There was so much desire on her face. I had never really been with a woman that wanted it rough, so it kind of frightened me a bit to think that I could oblige her request so quickly and easily. I believe a primal desire had kicked in and I was determined to take advantage of the opportunity as I wasn’t sure that this would ever happen again.
Hannah was gagging on my cock, but seemed to enjoy this more than I ever would have thought. The sensation of my cock invading her throat was amazing. My sister-in-law was basically allowing me to use her as my fuck toy…and I was enjoying it. All too quickly though I felt the tingling sensation as the cum in my balls started to well up inside me.
“I’m close,” I exclaimed to Hannah as she looked up desperate to speak. I released my grip on her head as she gasped for air and said, “Cum in my throat or on my face. I like it either way!” She then resumed sucking my cock. I stopped her for a second and stood up. I placed her on the step just below me so she was almost eye-level with my cock.
She resumed sucking intently on my engorged member. And then my toes began to curl. I stopped Hannah’s head from bobbing up and down on my penis and exclaimed, “I want to cum on your face sweetie.” She released her grip on my cock. I grabbed it and furiously started pumping as Hannah titled her head back and stuck her tongue out like a bird waiting for her mother to return to the nest.
I slapped my cock twice on her tongue when I finally relented and allowed my sperm to be released towards the beautiful creature in front of me.
“Uhhhhhhhhhhhh,” escaped my mouth as pearly-white rope of cum spurted forth from the head landing partially in her mouth but creating a wide swath across her nose and forehead. Hannah simply laughed and continued sticking her tongue out as more cum spewed forth from my head. I aimed it into her mouth and a thick glob shot straight to the back of her throat. She gagged but laughed as she then allowed it to dribble from her mouth.
The feeling of her tongue along the bottom of my shaft was, in a word, AMAZING. Shot after shot of sticky, white cum shot from my cock. Some landed in her mouth yet other spurts smeared across her lovely face. I could feel the wave of pleasure subsiding as my quads began to burn from straining so hard. That was one of the hardest orgasms I had in a while.
I tried to gain my composure a bit and looked down at Hannah who had just swallowed the load that managed to land her mouth. The rest she scraped into her hand and quickly licked off.
“Ummmm, so good…and good for you too,” she said finishing cleaning her face.
I stood there in awe of my beautiful sister-in-law. I shimmied down the stairs of the pool and dove in hoping that the water would help my muscles, not only from the yard but from the incredible orgasm I had just had.
Hannah simply smiled and giggled as she hurried up the stairs, grabbed the bottle of tequila and a shot glass and poured herself a shot and then one for me and handed it to me from the pool deck.
“Don’t pull me in again,” she said.
“I know, don’t want to waste that tequila,” I said as I took the shot glass from her and took my shot.
“Whew,” she yelled. Her young body bouncing as she raised her hand over her head and then softly added, “Bro, I have to say, you’re one good pussy licker. I’m still all tingly,” she added as she turned to return the bottle to the cooler bag making sure she displayed all her assets to me as she did.
Three steps and jump, she was back in the pool.
The cool water felt good against my body. Hannah swam up from behind and wrapped her legs around my waist. The feeling of my nubile sister-in-law’s body wrapped around me was intoxicating. Her skin rubbing against mine was heavenly. Her feet came together and gently embraced my cock. She formed her arches around the base and expertly coaxed it back to life. My hands reached around and gently cupped her ass cheeks and roamed up and down. My fingers lightly grazed against her inner thighs and gently grazed her protruding folds. I could feel the warmth building and emitted as the index fingers of my hands swept across her tiny asshole. Hannah’s boobs crushed themselves against my back. Her feet began working up and down my shaft gently. I felt her nipples slide across and up and down my back. My cock continued to fill with blood until it was rock hard.
My hands finished their ministrations as I turned around to face her. Hannah’s deep blue eyes like saucers caught mine. We kissed passionately and I moved my cock to her entrance. The head slipped in just a bit. I thrust my tongue forward in unison to swirl around hers as she adjusted her legs allowing the head to fully disappear inside. I could feel the grip of her warm pussy walls pulling the shaft inside her. It slowly glided inside her. Our tongues continued to dance in her mouth as my cock slowly eased further and further inside her womb.
I soon bottomed out inside her. My balls slammed against her with a thud. Hannah’s eyes opened as did mine. They were wide as saucers. I moved my hands to her haunches and slowly began rocking them back and forth so that she was gliding up and down the thick shaft of my cock. The head of my cock was enveloped by the sugary walls of her pussy. She was tight, but not too tight. No doubt the thickness of its girth caught her by surprise.
I released our kiss and Hannah took the back of my head and pulled it so we were nose to nose and eye to eye. My hands pushed her hips back and forth slamming almost to the hilt and then pulling her back. Our eyes locked together as I continued to plunge myself inside her. Hannah’s mouth was wide open and let out moans every third or fourth thrust which encouraged me to continue.
“Uh….your cock is soooo thick. Don’t stop. Uhhhhh, don’t stop,” she whispered.
My hands roamed her ass until my index finger finally found her sweet ass hole. I teased it slightly swirling around the opening. My cock still plunging in and then out. Three my thrusts and my finger finally wiggled its way in a tiny bit.
“Oh yessssss! Put your finger in my ass,” Hannah encouraged. My index finger slowly slipped inside. I briefly stopped the motion up and down to bury my cock as deeply as I could which allowed me more time to slide my finger all the way in her ass.
Hannah then placed her forehead on my shoulder and her legs wrapped tightly around me as if her body couldn’t get enough of me inside.
“Put another one in,” she begged as he breath quickened. I quickly darted another inside her and Hannah’s movements became much more hurried and rushed. She actually bit my shoulder and I sped the pace of ramming my cock inside her. My fingers worked inside her rectum simultaneously which sent her over the edge.
“Yessss,” Hannah yelled. “Ohhhhhhhh…..soooooo good! You’re a naughty brother-in-law and I love it! I love your cock inside my pussy!”
With that statement she became wild. The sloshed between our bodies sending splashes of water between her tits as they swayed and bounced. I began slamming my hips into her a my index and middle fingers tried moving up and down as I felt the pulse of my heart beating through the tp of my cock. It longed to spew its pearly-white seed inside my sister-in-law’s cunt…but I needed her to cum again.
I continued pounding her. Hannah’s head gyrated as I could feel her leg muscles contracting bringing her closer and closer to orgasm.
“Uhh, uhhh, uhhhh,” she cried as she looked at me and said, “I’m gonna cum, please cum inside my pussy. It needs your pearly white cum. Fuck that pussy hard and spew your cum inside my hole.”
With that I literally started pumping my fingers and slamming myself as hard and as fast as I could between us. Waves of water splashed over us and I continued pumping harder and harder. Hannah’s moans became faster and faster. I longed to spew inside her and held on while she was just reaching the apex or her fantastic orgasm!
“Yeessss….cum inside me now,” she screamed.
With that encouragement, I let go. I couldn’t believe the torrent of cum that I released. Her pussy contracted my cock milking its’ substance as she let out a final moan and then a silent “yesssss,” she whispered in my ears.
“I’ve wanted your cock and cum inside me since I was little. Thank you for fucking me so good.”
I held her tightly as I continued emptying myself inside her. Hannah’s orgasm finally subsided and we looked at each other again. I was in disbelief as she lunged towards me and kissed me shoving her tongue in my mouth. I could barely hold us up and I finally let go allowing us to submerge into the water below us. I found my footing again and pulled us up for oxygen and Hannah finally let me go.
“I can barely walk,” she said as she slid off of me. I quickly turned around picked her up and placed her on the edge of the pool.
I kissed both of her legs as they dangled in the water.
“You stay right here. I’ll get us a drink and a snack and maybe we can figure out what other trouble we can get into. You’ve made this old man very happy,” I added and quickly hopped from the pool over to the chairs, grabbed a couple more beers, the strawberries and took a seat next to Hannah at the pool’s edge.
I offered her a strawberry and cracked open another beer for each of us. I rubbed her back and Hannah rested against my shoulder as she took a bite and said, “I’ve got a few more surprises left for you tonight,”
“Like what,” I asked her taking a bite out of another strawberry,
“Well, ya know my friend Laura,” she asked.
“Yeah,” I said.
“Well, she’s gonna be here in like 5 minutes. She knows that I’ve wanted you for the last 10 years and she wants you too. I figured you’d like having two girls and she and I…well…we like boys and girls if you know what I mean,”
I must have had the most stupid look on my face because as Hannah looked up to see my approval a puzzled look came across her face.
“You want me to call her and tell her to bail,” she asked.
“No, no…I mean, I guess that’s fine. I mean who am I to complain. I’m just having a little trouble with all of this,” I told her.
“Well, it’s like this. I know my sister isn’t a wild one and I know that she doesn’t put out. I mean, it doesn’t take a psychologist to figure that out. So, I just decided to help you out. Of couse this will be our secret.
I’ve wanted you for a long time and in the past hour you’ve surpassed my dreams by 10 of how good I thought you might be in bed. So, why not share the love. I love Laura, she loves me and we’d want to do this together. We talked about it and planned it when I heard that my suster was going to the lake with the kids and leaving you home. Soooooo….are you in,”
“Definitely,” I said. “How could I argue with that logic,” I added with a giggle.
With that we heard a car pull up to the garage. Hannah got up quickly, very much still naked, and made her way over to greet her friend Laura.
More to come…hopefully.

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Sisters Love

About a sister taking in her brother when he gets back from Iraq, That leeds to hot sex.

My baby and I move in with my brother

My name is Jill I was was a new single mother who was experiencing some hard times the father of my baby left when I was about 3 months pregnant and I could not afford my place. I did not know what to do then my wonderful brother Steve said I could stay with him till I figured it out. Steve was 3 years older than me fairly fit about 6 feet tall.

You reap what you sew

man and his wife are doing yard work. Husband says to wife, “Your butt is as wide as the grill.” She ignores the remark.
A little later the husband takes his measuring tape and goes over to his wife while she is bending over working in a flower bed. He measures her rear end and gasps, “Geez, it IS as wide as the grill!”
Later that night while in bed her husband starts to feel frisky. She calmly responds, “If you think I’m gonna fire up the grill for one little wiener, you ARE mistaken.”

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This is the first part of a series of very short stories I wrote for fun. Tell me if you like my story so I post the next chapters.


Lucas, your average high school student, and Isabelle, a French foreign exchange student, have been friends for years, but that is al goingl change soon…