Consensual Sex

Gambling, My Wife and Black Business Partner

Chapter two
Chapter 2
It is now well after 10:00 pm and most all of the dinner guests are gone as he retrieves her tiny wrap, he for a moment ponders the thought of staying for a night cap as the lights of the city at this time of night are quite beautiful overpowering and very romantic and the thought of being with Diane under theses circumstances are very appealing, But then realizes he has not only made other plans, and also has a cab waiting. Besides there will be many other evenings, that they will spend together over the next several weeks and that romance for the time being will have to take a back seat. He remembers what next is in store for my naive and very horny young wife, who’s gambling habit has now been abruptly cut short. She is all back together and looks none the worse for ware as CJ escorts her through the bar several of the men that have enjoyed her company and assistance in the men’s room have boldly looked her over and have commented to CJ what an incredible woman she is and that anyone of them would be more than happy to keep her company, she again blushes at their vocal comment. Once it the elevator he wraps his arms around her and gives her another passionate and very deep kiss telling her that she is an incredible woman who has preformed his requests admirably and that if she keeps it up the debt will be paid in full in no time at all.
Once out of the elevator the cab and driver that delivered her earlier is dutifully waiting, and in the front seat is another person he opens the door for them and they both get in. The passenger has turned around and is really looking over Diane. Her dress is really short and she is showing a lot of cleavage both are of great interest to him. CJ is amused at the attention she is getting as the man is not at all good looking and is more of a slimy looking black little weasel of a man, that is peering at her in a lecherous way! Diane is very uncomfortable at the way he is looking her over as the cab drives off. The driver asks CJ where to? And CJ gives him the address. The cab driver shakes his head and says nothing. The grubby little sleazes ball of a man is leering more intently at my wife’s legs and breasts drooling, and making vulgar noises The driver finally says would I mind stopping at there dispatch center so that the guy’s, other drivers can see Diane naked! CJ says not at all , as his plans will not be affected if they take a little detour and is more than happy to continue her more than obvious discomfort and the letches obvious interest.
CJ then says to the driver I will go you and your friend one better and tells my wife to turn around as CJ then unzips her dress all the way, and with little ceremony instantly pulls on it leaving her totally naked the little creep in the front seat is beside himself as apparently he has never seen , such a beautiful naked young white woman that is only a few feet away. The driver almost chokes at what has happened. CJ asks the creep would he like a souvenir, the little man can hardly talk only nodding his head with the spital and the lust of a true voyeur vulgarly displayed along with the sweat on his face!. Diane is terrified as this letch drools at her soft white nakedness. CJ tells him to open the sliding partition that separates the front from the back and as it opens CJ sticks Diane’s blue dress through the opening, the nasty little man grabs it and buries his face in the soft and wonderful smell of my wife’s female ambiance.
Diane is stunned at first and now realizes she has nothing to wear….The little sadistic looking man is making animal noises of lust as his nose has found the damp muskie odor that has been closest to that most wonderful place and the animal sounds he is making to my wife are both stimulating and frightening, as he continues to act as though he is going to get off from this most wonderful gift!
My wife is now a little calmer and uses CJ for some male comfort and protection as she slides up really tight next to him, he is fully dressed in a suit and tie and she is wearing nothing! CJ places his hand down in between Diane’s bare legs and finds her soft and now even wetter folds, she reacts with a start and gasp as his fingers find her swollen and stimulated clitoris! My wife, has this most unusual and unconscious erotic habit of squeezing her thighs together when my hand is in her crotch. It is kind of like a sexual pacifier and a precursor to sex! . CJ is pleasantly surprised as she, does not even realize what she is doing, to CJ it is an incredible and most wonderful feeling, something he has never experienced before with any another woman. He looks at my wife in wonder, her eyes are fixed straight ahead on this greasy pervert and is only thinking about what he might do to her if he gets the chance? She is thankful there is a partition between them as the cab pulls into the dispatch center. It is just after 11:00 now,… it is a slow night and a number of cabbies about six of them are in a small back room playing cards waiting for a call. The driver an older fatherly looking black man now opens the door on her side and offers his hand, she balks for a moment realizing she is still naked, he then helps her out and in doing so holds her hand up and slowly turns her around admiring her naked unblemished beauty patting her lovly bottom and then pulls her off by her hand towards the smoke filled room!
The little creep much to my wife’s distaste has gotten out, leaving her dress behind in his haste, and is quickly following behind. The view of her bare white flesh and the way her bottom twists and wiggles with each step she takes, is quite erotically perverse and sexually exciting, not only to him. CJ has also gotten out and is following them. The same view of her behind is also a wonderful sight along with the way 4” hi heels make a woman’s ass legs thighs and calf’s look so incredible as they enter the room. The card game is immediately over as all eyes are focused on Diane’s bare breasts ass and sinfully bare and unprotected pubic area! She is the most beautiful and lovely thing, I have always known this, but she has never thought of herself as being really attractive. The men are gawking as the older cab driver leads her around the table, letting each of the men drink in her naked beauty and fondle her. The little grease ball is still close behind peering even more intently at her bare bottom he, is apparently quite taken with it! My wife responds to hands all over her, that are exploring her unprotected nakedness, with a gasp here and pleasurable moan there!
Diane loves the attention as her fantasy of being naked helpless fondled and felt up, in front of ,and by men lots of them has again easily and pleasurably become reality as she once told me that she is a closet exhibitionist, but is now out of the closet! This blissful thought is quickly interrupted by the weasel as he cannot help himself and pinches her bottom so hard she yelps out in pain. The little weasel breaks into a sadistic grin as the older man tells him to be more of a gentleman. This is followed by him saying who?… Would like to fuck her all of their hands go up with some vocal yes’s , who? Would like her to give them a really good old fashion blow job! Again all the hands go up! And who? would like to fuck her in her tight little white ass hole! Only the weasel says “me” quite loudly! This comment from him has turned one of her “darkest” fantasy into an ever more appealing one.
With the cards still on the table the older cabbie says, I know we will bet on who gets to do her, as money lots of it is now on the table. Diane is now standing between CJ and the older cabbie speechless, as to what is unfolding in front of her and thinking OMG they are going to gamble over me. The thought to her is strangely exciting and even stimulating!. CJ says, hold it a minute, telling everyone that she is a gambler and that she should get the chance to bet or save her ass. Some grumbling occurs and all finally agree. As the first hand is dealt she does quite well, along with the second and third down to the point that she wins the final hand! All are amazed as she is a woman standing there naked in front of all these strange men and that she has actually won big!. No one is more amazed than me, when CJ later tells me this story as Diane almost never wins and I have her gambling debts to prove it.
My wife is leaning over the table gathering up the money not giving any thought now that she is naked. Her round over indulged globes of her bottom wiggle and jiggle quite provocatively as she grabs the money. Diane still has a big red spot where the weasel pinched her, but it is fading. She is smiling at CJ as she sticks fists full of money into his suit pockets. When the weasel says,… hold on I didn’t get to bet? He is now eying my wife up and down, there is silence, when the older cabbie says I’ve got it just cut the cards, high card wins no money best two out of three. If she wins she gets to go, and if you win you get to do anything you want to her!!! CJ just nods but says to him if you win I can’t give her to you tonight or tomorrow, but that he will bring her back on Sunday! The weasel reluctantly agrees, as older man shuffles the cards over and over finally laying them on the table saying ladies first, my wife cuts a queen and the weasel cuts an eight. The cards are shuffled again, she cuts a jack, and he cuts a king. It is now even up. As the last hand is shuffled she is worried as she knows she is not that good or lucky,.. when the old cabbie finally puts the cards down this is it….. She, my wife tells him, the weasel, you go first , his confident leer turns into a frown as he cuts a three. My wife is now holding her breath hesitating slightly with the confident smile of a gamblers sure thing, finally deciding between two cards pulling out and slowly turning over a ….deuce!!! Her knees are week and she cannot believe what has just happened as the weasel grabs her soft slightly sagging ass cheeks and says these are mine! He has been eying them all night and gives them a good hard squeeze! As she yelps!
He is now drooling again with the possibilities of what he or his lecherous friends are going to do to her, Diane is scared and turned on at the same time. The thought of sadistic sex leaves her legs trembling he continues fondling her and sticks his greasy little face between her milky white breasts and savagely pulls her nipples around each sides of his cheeks before letting them go.. He then goes on to say that he is going to chain her to the urinal in the back bathroom and that he and all his perverted friends are going to make her squeal like a stuck helpless little pig! This is followed by grabbing her hand and almost dragging her into their restroom! Once she is in the room tells her to stand up on her toes, and then again followed by him saying faster as he watches the buns of her bottom giggle up and down in the most provocative and nasty way!
OMG, for Diane this place is exactly what her dark fantasy has been about it is everything that the men’s room it the restaurant is not. The floor is wet , the place smells of piss and has not been cleaned for months. Both the toilet, that has half of a broken wooden lid and the only urinal are filthy, urine and yellow stains are every where there are all sorts of crude graffiti of horrible nasty writings and remarks written all over the walls about cunts bitches and slutty whores.
The weasel asks Diane her name, she says nothing he asks again, and reminds her, as he roughly rubs her bare ass. That he, has won the bet and emphasizes this fact by savagely twisting one of her nipples until she screams! CJ sticks his head in the door to make sure that she is only, being tastefully abused . My wife with her heart pounding finally tells him. He takes out a bold red marking pen and writes her name in big letters and then underneath it in even bigger letters scrawls BLACK COCK WHORE! He then grabs her by her hair and forces her face up against the dirty wall and holds his cell phone camera up and takes several pictures of both of them with those words with her name and face framed vividly in the back ground!.. Then he unzips his pants unbuckles his belt and forces her head down to his crotch where a somewhat deformed slimy cock appears!
It is a fair sized one with a large light skin colored head that twists up and to one side it is about the size of a tennis ball, but is quite grotesque and unappealing, it has splotches of lighter colored skin. There are scars that show it has been horribly abused and surgically repaired it also has a number of small lumps bumps and numerous large warts! He forces her head up closer, the smell is repugnant, sicking and quite overpowering. Even worse, his shorts have yellow stains and the sick sweet smell of dried semen from numerous masturbation’s reeks from his lower torso! He then says, boy I will just bet a little white cunt like you would love to suck on a real mans dick , or have it crammed up your tight pink little asshole! My wife is queasy at the thought, but strangely her cunt muscles and sphincter contract at the thought, along with an even more perked anticipating feeling from her little clitoris! He then says “kiss it” she tries to recoil in horror, but his strong hand that is wrapped in her dark brown hair forces her closer, as he again says “kiss it”. That’s it you little bitch right on the end. He now has both hands on her head as her red lips are forced to touch the tip of this dripping male meat and he forcefully rolls her head back and forth over the end of its hardness using her lips like a thumb print pad, as if they were fingerprints!
He then jerks her up and with his pants still unzipped puts his hands on her butt again squeezing it and pushes her back out to the table. CJ says, eying his distasteful looking piece of man hood that has a pretty red silhouette of Diane’s lips on the end, and says what time on Sunday do you want her back?
The weasel says 11:00 pm as he proudly shows the image of red lip stick that has boldly left its imprint on his cock!. CJ then takes Diane’s hand and gives her a bottle of water which she quickly drinks gargles and spits out several times trying to get rid of the weasels stench, and leads her back to the cab with the old cabbie, once in the cab he looks her in the eye. He is amazed at the look on her face it is a combination of wonder anticipation and dread, as though she is somewhere else or in some sort of sexually erotic trance her eyes are glassy and have this mixed look of utter disbelief along with the possibilities of sadistic? or pleasurable abuse both for her are apparently appealing!…..
She looks so innocently helpless setting there naked in the back seat of the cab. The old cabbie asks CJ again if he is sure about the address and CJ says yes . The cab leaves the dispatch center and once on the road CJ’s hand is again down in between Diane’s soft white thighs the wonderful squeezing of his hand with her thighs subconsciously starts again with out any prodding. My wife is starring straight ahead and still thinking about tomorrow. When CJ takes his other hand and lovingly touches her cheek and directs her incredibly luscious red lips to his as a very sweet and tender kiss prevails he is beginning to love this young woman as much as I. Her eyes finally register where she is and what has happened relaxes and easily submits to his tender touch, but her thighs only continue to squeeze his hand ever tighter she is wet from the earlier thoughts and even wetter now from his loving touch, her heart is pounding again as he seems to know exactly what she wants.
The cab finally swings into an obscure back alley it is not all that far from the Boutique that she left earlier in the day. It is a specialty shop called Cold Steel and is run by an elderly black man who’s name is Mr Steel it is almost 12:00 am . There are several people milling around, night people some prostitutes and customers most are black. My wife is worried again as she is still nude her blue dress is up front and the old cabbie has offered it back.. Diane is at first relieved and thinks that she will at least get something to wear, even if it is only this skimpy dress, but CJ declines saying, I told the weasel it was a souvenir and his to keep and I never go back on my word!.. This comment has left my wife speechless! The old cabbie opens her door and CJ pushes her up and out of the cab the night is cool. There are lots of lights and a big window that show the colorful display items of tattoo samples and all sorts of piercing jewelry and the hardware that goes with it are prominently on display. Diane has always been fascinated by both tattoos and piercing, however she never would willingly do either. We have had all sorts of fun during the first several years of our marriage.
In that I have written on her, nasty things with marking pens and have used numerous temporary tattoos on her. She is and has been quite taken with big blood red hearts and roses mostly on her breasts and bottom and I have had some special order ones made to accommodate her zeal and interest in them, but they are temporary. What CJ and I have both agreed on was to make her think that she is going to be permanently tattooed, as a black cock whore that is co owned by me, her husband, and by CJ her new black master and that when she is in his company he has the power to do whatever he wants with her as his submissive and obedient slave, just as if she was a young black female slave during the period of slavery.
The thought to my wife is somewhat intoxicating as she has also had fantasy’s about such things only in reverse. The slave girl is white and her sadistic master is black! She never thought that she would be tattooed or marked even after reading the agreement even though it clearly states that this is to be done! The thought and possibility of being branded in fantasy was delicious, but in reality was quite unthinkable. CJ has taken her hand and almost has to drag her to the entrance. The hookers that are standing in front of the place tell CJ to get her the fuck out of there!… As she is now being eyed by their prospective customers, as she is totally nude and in the bright lights of the shop looks rather helpless and sinfully attractive, and has easily given the hookers more than enough competition. She also looks so innocent like the girl next door this freshness along with her white shamelessly exposed nakedness is even more appealing to the prospective john’s
CJ is now holding her hands behind her back as the older cabbie opens the door and asks CJ when should he come back to pick them up? He says about an hour should be enough maybe a little longer. Diane is even more concerned now as the lights are even brighter inside, and the place is packed for 12:00 am. Most of the patrons attention is directed to, who has just entered by the door chime. The fact that she is white, naked and being escorted by a black man wearing a suit brings even more attention. Diane’s fantasy is fulfilled once again as he guides her around the glass display cabinets and in between the aisles and people. One young lesbian and her girlfriend? Top or bottom, comment on my wife’s beautiful white skin and say’s what a bare canvas as she holds her colorful tattooed arm up next to my wife’s bare one, and then pulls her loose fitting top down below her tits with little modesty revealing all of the colorful tattoos that adorn them.
She looks enviously at my wife’s sinfully bare and totally unmarked breasts and her pubic area that looks so inviting, I have shaved Diane so much that it hardly grows back anymore. The young girl then asks CJ why she is here ? He answers in a mater of fact tone, that she is his, black cock whore and has been brought here to be permanently marked registered and tattooed. He goes on to say that she is co owned by him, and her husband and that he is her new black master! She then asks CJ can she please touch her breasts. CJ nods and this young woman immediately and lovingly first, softly pinches her nipples and then squeezes the softness fullness of them, my wife is not at all sure how to react as the young woman again comments to her friend that they would be perfect to pierce and tattoo! Her hand then trails down to my wife’s mound and clit as she raises her, short little skirt revealing a hairless mound that has the most beautiful tattoo surrounding it, that goes up an out in all directions like some sort of starburst that tapers to her abdomen and out to her full thighs. Her labia and clitoris also have numerous chrome rings! And again states that my wife’s would be so perfect to do the same to!
Diane has never had another woman so blatantly fondle her much less make such outrageous comments the fact that almost everyone in the place has tattoos and most are numerous and cover much of their bodies, at least what one can see of them is quite apparent. The girl has made no effort to cover her breasts and then asks CJ is she, my wife for sale? Can she rent borrow or steal her for a while and if so how much? For her, it is quite unusual to see such a innocently looking white middle class young woman in this establishment at all, much less at this time of night. CJ tells her to give him her number and that he would see what he could do! Much to my wife’s astonishment as she is strangely aroused and uncomfortable at the thought of this this young tattooed woman and her companion having her as some sort of sexual play thing!.
A beautiful young black woman dressed in a lab coat has made her way to CJ and asks looking Diane up and down, is she here for an appointment? Is she the one that is to be marked tattooed and registered ? CJ tells her yes. My wife has gone from concern to almost uncontrolled fright and has a much more worried look on her face. She balks as the girl takes her hand from CJ and pulls her past several customers, and into the back room. The place is more like a doctors examining room than a tattoo parlor. There are several padded metal tables that have a number of attached fixtures, there are also a number of incredible copies of tattoo art along with 8 x10 color pictures. Well over 100 of them they are equally divided of piercing’s and exotic tattoos. This of course makes the setting no doctors office! Diane is even more worried as Dr Steel inters the room the lab coat gal gives my wife’s hand to the doctor and like others lifts it and turns her around admiring her beautiful naked body. Asking CJ what she is here for? He looks like a collage professor and is quite distinguished, CJ later finds out he is, a long with owning this successful business . CJ with out batting an eye tells the doctor that he owns her and that she is his property and that he has the signed and witnessed papers to prove it! and needs her to be officially marked tattooed and registered as his personal BLACK COCK WHORE!
The lab coat girl again takes her hand and leads her over to the wall there is an area for official pictures like at DMV or for a criminal mug shot booth. She then hands my wife a white card to hold up just below her face that has her official registration number along with the words BLACK COCK WHORE in bold letters.
Diane is in tears as she dutifully holds the sign up and they take a full face shot that flashes and then again with her profile. She then leads her over to one of the tables in preparation for this strict and very legal formality or at least this is what Diane thinks. The girl asks her to step up and then bend over face down, she is docile and submissive and has turned slightly giving CJ a pleading look of resignation before bending over. She is hoping that in some way he will be able to stop the proceedings. CJ shrugs his shoulders as if to say sorry,.. its to late.
She is then bent over, under her waist is a higher padded firm cushion as her head and chest are comfortably forced down onto a narrow padded extension that lets her soft white 36”tits hang down unencumbered on either side. A leather strap is tightened around her neck and it alone does not hurt, but she now cannot move. Next her wrists are fastened to the attachments that stick out forward of the metal table to similar devices. This ordeal is becoming more and more frightening by the minute however there is nothing at all she can do let alone stop it. She softly starts to plead for them not to do this. The young woman only smiles at her as if taking some personal pleasure at Diane’s helpless plight.
CJ and Mr Steel have been talking and they are far enough away that she cannot hear, as CJ explains what we have agreed to do and how she is to marked . We have both agreed that she is to be marked and tattooed on the under side of her right lower buttock so that when she is on her knees or is bent over in a submissive position the words BLACK COCK WHORE will be prominently and vividly displayed . So that anyone behind her will instantly know her sexual status! We have decided it will be done in dark purple ink they type that was used in butcher shops years ago to mark meat as “US GRADE A CHOICE” !
For Diane it will be permanent and official looking, in reality it will eventually wear off, but the idea is to make her look think and have the feeling of being a legal registered and certified slave to a black man and that she is for all intentional purposes his black cock whore. My wife feels her legs being attached and belted to moveable fixtures at the back of the metal table. First above her knees and then at her ankles. When both sides are adjusted and the belts are tight she hears the whir of several electrical motors as her legs are slowly spread and the cushion under her bottom is arched up even higher she has this incredible sensation of being totally helpless and vulnerable more so that anything we have ever done or that has ever happened to her in the past…The young attractive black woman has swabbed her nipples labia lips and clitoris in preparation to be pierced as part of this ordeal not knowing that this service will not be required! The cold feeling of the alcohol on her genitals leaves her trembling….and her heart pounding once again!
Now that she is in this position Mr Steel has walked around in front, to where she can see him. He has the signed legal document that CJ has give him and holds it up in front of her and asks! In a demanding and very official voice, is this your signature!, and is this your legal name!, and did you willingly sign it! Diane does not know what to say, and can only stammer, as he again asks even louder, well did you? …… My wife is in tears meekly says yes. OMG she thinks to herself she really is going to be a black cock whore!….. She really likes CJ even for the short time they have been together, but is unsure as to just what he will do?…
She has no real idea what really will be required of her after this service is complete, hoping that he will not be to harsh or abusive! Mr Steel continues having her recite and repeat, first her name and then that she willingly, has become a submissive, and again meekly repeats the words. He then says to CJ you know I have to fasten all the slaves, cunts and whores down pretty tight when I pierce or brand them as many times they really squeal cry and beg , and sometimes it, can be a most unpleasant job he has a smile on his face that does not reflect at all what he has just said nor can Diane see his smile. He Goes on to ask did he want her pierced ? CJ says no and Mr Steel says are you sure,? As this would be the perfect time and I will throw it in along with the tattoo, registration and certification as an extra at no charge? CJ says he wouldn’t mind seeing several small sharp needles poked through her nipples and especially her clit just to see if she would be a good candidate! But again declines to have her actually pierced, much to my wife’s relief .
With my wife in this helpless position CJ take interest in her red open toed spiked heels and slowly slips one off of her foot. She had wondered at the boutique when her hair and nails were done why they had spent so much time on her feet? This special treatment was now going to be brought home in a way she had never imagined ? CJ was one of those guys like me, that loves to see women and especially naked women wearing heels and how it effects their legs and bottom, by making them ever so more shapely and appealing. Also like me he is stuck in the good old days of garter belts stockings and hi heels. Especially when it comes to girl watching, but for him, he has taken this wonderful leg ass and foot fetish a bit farther, as he loves screwing around with women’s feet! Diane’s toe nails have been painted up to where they are a work of inviting art and are, as CJ has though just perfect to pleasurably abuse. He has taken a sharp spiked spur out of a small leather case in his suit pocket and at first starts slowly rolling it along the instep of her foot. This is a most sensitive place and one that my wife has never felt touched in such a sensuous way! No one including me has ever shown any interest or attention to this part of her anatomy and for her is virgin territory. CJ now slips her other heel off and steps back out of the way for a moment….. As Diane flexes and stretches her unencumbered feet and toes.
Mr Steel then gets down to business as my wife first feels alcohol on her buttock and then feels the outline of what she thinks are the words, “black cock whore” first being traced and then the ink applied followed by the soft hum of the electric needle as it outlines each letter. The needle is blunt but give her the sensation. She has never had a real tattoo before and has no idea that what is being done to her is not the real thing. She endures with wet eyes barely whimpering with and occasional mournful shuddering sob of resignation! It does not take long as a stencil has been used and it is quickly and professionally outlined. The fun is not quite over as Both CJ and I have agreed on another little item and that is, she really is going to get a small tattoo!.. It is going to be placed between her pink little sphincter muscle and the lower opening of her slit there is a beautiful white area of very tender virgin flesh about an 1”inch high and 3′ inches wide. This is a place that few has ever touched and it is almost as sensitive as her clit!. His assistant hands Mr Steel a 3” roll of sticky tape and he cuts a piece fastening it on each cheek at the inside of her crack, and then pulls it tight! This opens and bunches her posterior up at the same time. He then rubs the tape quite aggressively against the fleshy inner globes , the results is to open this area even wider and vulgarly exposes the sensitive almost virgin area to be tattooed .
Mr Steel has been setting on a roll around stool as his assistant brings him the rest of his necessary tools and ink. We, CJ and I have decided on dark pink for the real tattoo as this is the perfect color to be used on her white skin, it will be vividly outlined by the same dark purple ink used on her bottom and should stand out wickedly! It will be real and she will be permanently marked as a Black Cock Whore !……The lettering will be 1/4” high and will have CJ’s initials above preceding it and cannot be seen by anyone even when she is wearing skimpy underwear or a revealing two piece swim suit. The only time anyone will be able to see this so slutty and whorish written symbol of her submission, is when she is totally naked and on her knees with her bottom in the air! She of course when in this position and being used by anyone other than me would be a whore, and if that person was black these words could not be more true or accurate The feeling of helplessness and hum of the sharp needle is stimulating as her pussy is almost dripping in anticipation of some sort of attention. The feeling and sensation is almost like a small aggressive vibrator as if the sensitive nerve ends in this area are being sinfully abused. OMG she, is going to have an orgasm, not being able to hold it and shudders as her fleshy mound and tight little asshole tries to contract, but the tape holds the area being worked on wide and easily apart as she climaxes.
Just as she is starting to cum. Mr Steel moves back out of the way and CJ again steps up and rolls the sharp spiked little wheel across the instep of her right foot. The sensation along with all the others leaves her trembling with another incredible orgasm. OMG the sexual experience and sinful abuse of being tattooed that she has endured along with the loving touch of lust and romance from this adoring black man, who is now starting to love her almost as much as I, leaves her blissfully and totally spent. Mr steel now finishes up the first of several violations of this most intimate and untouched area of virgin flesh!
More pictures are taken close up, very detailed ones that clearly show “BLACK COCK WHORE” but several more are needed to make it official, one with a big black cock down her throat along with the same black cock all the way into her ass and pussy. They will be uploaded to a permanent world wide registry and data base. That can then be down loaded and burned onto disc,s with pictures of her pretty face slave number along with several full figured nude pictures showing her breasts pussy clit along with her vividly marked ass and will be available to all that have interest in black cock whores! The smaller pictures of her actual tattoo will not be prominently displayed, but can easily be accessed and those words start with, at the top CJ’s initials and then underneath followed by BLACK COCK WHORE.
Diane is finally released but is unable to move as CJ tenderly and lovingly rubs her feet slipping her open toed red heels back on, and helps her up. She can hardly stand and still has very mixed feelings in not only her mind, but also her loins. Mr steel says to CJ here, give her some of this, and bring her back in a week or so to finish the job! The drink he is offering is a mild sedative and also a muscle relaxer. Diane is sore tired and for some reason very thirsty. Gulping the liquid in the glass down with out even a thought as to what it is. CJ has settled up with Mr steel and has received her official papers, while his assistant is holding onto Diane steadying her. CJ then puts his arms around her and helps escort her out into the front display area . His head is next to hers as she leans back on his shoulder, he can smell her hair and the fragrance of her naked body and can also feel her pounding heart along with her measured breathing she feels so wonderful to touch. The old black cabbie has been waiting and has opened the door as the chime rings again, my wife hardly notices as she is even more relaxed. The door of the cab is also opened and CJ has to almost pick her up and set her on the back seat.
Several of the night people watch with little concern, as a naked young white woman is being helplessly placed in the back seat of a cab by this black man at 1:30 in the morning and with the black cab driver assisting. CJ asks the old cabbie to please hold Diane until he can get around to the other side and into the back seat. She has gone from being self conscious and hopelessly embarrassed while naked to now not even being aware of it! The old man has no problem holding her for a moment, as his right hand firmly encircles her left breast holding her, and his other descends into the wet softness between her legs. She at first gasps slightly and lets out a pleasurable sigh hardly noticing his grip on her soft exposed breast. CJ slips in from the other side next to her. He then picks her up and places her on his lap. Her arms have no trouble finding there way around his neck, his right arm is under hers and around her bare back. She is more and more out of it, but her grip around his neck seems to be secure as if he is some sort of protective sentinel.
His right arm now has easily slipped down to her waist, and with both of hers around him, has allowed his left hand the freedom to explore her naked body, he starts with her nipples and soft 36 DD breasts. The old cab drive turns around enjoying the view and asks where to? CJ says the Edgewater in Oakland. The old man smiles with a knowing smile as the cab drives off.. CJ’s hand has now gone from her soft breasts down , and in between her previously moist and now very wet thighs.
Again this most wonderful feeling of her upper inner thigh muscles start to unconsciously squeeze his hand. He uses his thumb and for finger to kneed her clit as his other three fingers are in her wet little slit, she only winces slightly as he squeezes it a little harder trying to find the point that might awaken her, she is now to the point where it is obvious he can do what ever he wants and there will be no resistance!
The Edgewater is a hotel devoted to swingers and is a great place. The hotel is surrounded by a gorgeous courtyard with palm trees, bougainvillea, a greensward, a large swimming pool with a hot tub. It is the place to be naked out of doors; and the perfect place to do sex in public. The hotel rooms have large windows looking out over the courtyard so people can watch or be watched; and in some instances if invited in could easily participate. The place also has a strip club which makes it even better. CJ has even thought about having her dance and compete there on amateur night that is several days from now… He has already made reservations for the best and most expensive room, it is the bridal suite! The cab drives up and stops, CJ tells him that he will settle up tomorrow, the old cabbie says not to worry as he has had the best tip that he can ever remember. CJ before getting out, has one more added touch and has planned this night very carefully in his suite pocket, he has a white Bridalveil and matching garter that he carefully places on her head and then he removes her heel and slips the garter up as high on her thigh as possible Right next to her pussy. They are in front of the main lobby, the cab door is opened and CJ still holding her slides over and carefully gets out trying not to hit her head or legs on the cab, and then carries her through the double doors that automatically open into the lobby and up to the hotel check in counter. There is a night manager and a reservations clerk on duty, neither seem to be alarmed at all by this immoral and sinful display, of a naked young white woman wearing only a Bridalveil and garter in the arms of a well dressed black man .
Continued in Chapter 3

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Dark Love

Her boyfriend brought her up to the cabin for the week, with hidden secrets.

Gray Rock Academy pt. 2

The afternoon was almost over. Jax and Tyler were making their final rounds between the two divisions. There were two divisions, the younger ones ages 10-13 were known as the juniors. The older group ages 14-17 were known as the seniors. Currently the juniors were in the classroom environment while the seniors were in the work yard training. Ex-cadet Chris and Casey were the lieutenants both were 18. Tyler and Jax were the captains, Jax was around 22 and Tyler was the youngest person to ever receive the rank of captain. Casey and Chris were working with the seniors and everything was going well so Jax and Tyler made their way to the classroom. They were laughing and carrying on and laughing and talking about Jax recent experience with one of the juniors. “I’m telling you bro…The kid’s mouth is golden.” Jax would say as Tyler shook his head no “I mean that’s good for you I guess, and I know that kind of stuff goes on it just isn’t for me man, I don’t believe in the abuse of power especially in that way.” Just then they entered the college lector type classroom a made their way down different aisles.
Jax would stop at the desk of Santiago, and snatched a note from him that he was writing. Jax would scan over it before laughing. “Hey captain Morse? Maybe you should take a look at this”. He handed Tyler the note and her read it, it was obvious that two people have been writing back and forth- So I heard about you and Jax, your such a fag
– Shut up dude, it’s not like I had a choice. Besides it may even pay off one day
– Hahaha yeah right unless you’re one of the captains favs like that kid and captain Morse, i bet they’re a bunch of fags like you and Jax
– yeah does favor that kid from the seniors
“Interesting? Cadet Santiago I would like to see you and cadet author pal in my office immediately after the class is over!” Tyler spoke in a stern voice. Both cadets replied quickly and loud “Sir, yes sir!” Jax said he would catch up to Morse later he needed to be in the dining hall. Tyler had his talk to the cadets about how he treats everyone the same and that his personal life is none of their concern, and then also gave their punishment before he dismissed them back to their quarters.
“I can’t believe we have to miss the co-ed dance tonight!” the cadets complained all the way back to the dorm where everyone else was getting all dressed up and ready for the dance. The seniors were all in the junior’s dorm helping them get ready also. The seniors dance was next weekend. Jax and Casey sat talking on one of the bed supervising as all the boys were getting ready. Jax was now yelling that the bus was leaving and all the boys exited the bunk as Jax said bye to Casey who was left behind to watch the two who weren’t going.
“Ok guys, it’s time for you two to get showered and ready for bed, Tyler…i mean captain Morse wants you two in bed early.” He turned and left yelling on his way back “I’LL BE BACK IN A FEW!” the boys both striped down and put towels around the young, smooth, tan bodies as they talked walking to the shower/bathroom part of the dorm. Santiago spoke first “damn Scott… cant beelive we fucked up I could’ve been getting some tonight” Scott laughed “you wouldn’t even know what to do!” as he turned on the hot water and the shower poured out water and hot steam. Santiago did the same to his shower and spoke “well the only reason you know anything more than jerking off is cause Jax gave it to you” Scott shook his head and began washing his hair and body. Santiago watched as Scott hands rubbed all over his tightly built young chest, then his hands would move to wash them very worked abs which flexed as he washed them. “Um…um Scott? I’m sorry about getting us caught today” Santiago spoke but never took his eyes off his friends gorgeous body as Scott replied but Santiago really didn’t notice as Scott’s hands were now washing that superb member of his. The soap gave it an inviting shine and slickness. He could tell Scott was getting somewhat excited because his dick was stiffening slightly.
Shaking it off Santiago would go back to his own shower “you know Scott I know why Jax would pick you.” Scott would turn and look at Santiago’s olive skin and tightly built body as he now did the speaking “oh and why is that?” Scott stepped closer and joined Santiago in his shower as the water splashed on their heads, flattening their hair. The water rushed down both of their young soldier type bodies as their foreheads now rested on each other’s and they began kissing passionately in the down pour. Scott could feel the roughness of their tongue caressing and wrestling in each other mouths as he placed his arms around Santiago neck and Santiago placed his hands around Scott curvy hips. Their soapy bodies were pressed together and grinding their average cocks against one another.
Loudly someone cleared there throat “excuse me” was all Casey said as he leaned in the doorway of the shower room. Both of the boys jumped back with their mouths hung open wide in shock. They began to jumble on and try to make excuses. Casey would shush them and join them in the shower striping his cloth as he made his way into the warm and steamy shower. He was much more built and had a very nice trimmed pubic area with dark hair compared o the boy’s smooth bodies with light blonde pubes. He placed a hand on both of their shoulders, telling them he wanted them both to kneel in the shower. They both were now eye level with Casey’s thick cock. He wasn’t much bigger than the boys but he was still bigger than either one of them having seen. They both knew at once what he wanted and both begin kissing on the sides of his dick. Casey was looking down at the two boys sharing his thick member, who were starring back up at him. He kept one hand on the top of each of their hands, caressing their wet hair. Scott would move to suck the enlarged, mushroom shaped, throbbing head into his tiny mouth as Santiago began kissing Scott neck. This went on for a few mins more before Casey stopped them and told Scott to stand and let Santiago remained on his knees “suck his cock cadet Santiago.” Casey stepped back to watch as Santiago placed both of his hands on Scott’s smooth thighs and then moved to allow Scott to slide with ease into his mouth. Casey moved behind Scott and knelt down and spread his little boy bubble butt cheeks apart and moved his face deep into the crevice and began licking Scott tiny, pink, and puckered ass.
Casey was going crazy with the current happenings. He soon moved away and told Scott to kneel on all fours and motioned for Santiago to move up behind him “he’s already cadet… mount him…slide your cock deep into his ass.” Casey watched as Santiago took a knee behind Scott who put his head down onto his arms and leaned on his elbows. Santiago held his dick at the base and lined himself up and began pressing into Scott slowly. Casey could hear Scott grunt slightly as Santiago got the head of his dick passed that tight, wet, and warm rim. Once he was in he took hold of Scott’s hips and begins to slide his entire dick into that ass in a single slow but hard push. Santiago began to pull and push at Scott’s ass with his dick. Scott was mumbling softly for him to go easy and how it hurt. Santiago suddenly felt a hand press on his back, forcing him to lean over Scott and stop moving as he suddenly felt the warm gooey tip of Casey larger cock pressed on his own ass. Casey began the same way Santiago did. He forced his thick throbbing head in and then took hold of his hips and pushed the rest of his entire large shaft deep into that small ass as Santiago grunted and dug his fingers into Scott sides. After a min or two of being buried in Santiago’s ass Casey began fucking, bouncing his body hard against the cadets, cause the cadets body to crash into Scotts. Casey was now really working his cock deeper and deeper. He reached out and took the conditioner and poured some onto the cadet’s smooth young ass, making it shinny. It also helped to lube his big dick so he could slide in and out of the tight ass, he watched his polished member glide in and out of Santiago ass. Scott was taking a brutal pounding as well as Santiago tried to ignore his thrashing by returning the favor into Scott’s virgin ass. Casey could tell Santiago was Cumming into Scott’s ass because his ass tightened around the thick member of Casey. Casey pulled the length of his cock from Santiago ass with a pop, he pushed Santiago to the floor and he grabbed Scott’s hips and pressed his self in with ease from the few drops of cum and such from Santiago. He pushed his cock all the way into Scott who hollered out. Since we was totally hidden in Scotts ass he began thrusting, his balls already resting on Scotts ass as he tried to push his cock deeper and deeper and sudden he unleashed load after load deep in Scotts ass. He collapsed backwards and they all the laid on the wet floor for a min.
Soon Casey got to his feet and got Santiago up as well “we got at least be fair and finish off Scott.” They turned Scott onto his back and Santiago instantly began sucking his cock. Casey waited a min before taking the small dick from Santiago and placing his own mouth on it; Casey easily pressed his entire mouth over the warm sticky boy cock and really began to work it until he felt Scott tense up. He pulled off and stroked Scotts cock like crazy as him and Santiago begin kissing and licking their own side of the little dick as a few drops of cum, what Scott was able to release, dripped slowly down the sides eagerly licked up by either Casey or Santiago. Casey lay back with both of the boys on the shower floor, one on each side of him “Wow boys…wow… my two boys.” He stood up “oh and your both still punished so get dressed and go to bed…oh and boys WELCOME TO GRAY ROCK!”

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Weird Tales, Succubus. Part 1.

Ok reposting my first story after editing it some of the ideas did not work like they did in my head. My writing may not be that great but I hope to improve to make things more readable so please forgive any short comings I hope you all like it any way.


  Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or ideas for Doctor Who.(You guys have asked for a longer story, so here it is! This isn’t a continuation of my Beach story though. ^^; 
This is a Doctor Who fanfic (Amy/The Doctor). I don’t do het stuff, sorry! Anyway, for those of you who don’t watch the most recent DW, I’ll try and explain as much as possible. Also; there’s quite a bit of actual storyline in the beginning. So if you’re too impatient for that then skip to the sexytime.)
Amy crossed her arms, looking sullenly at the TARDIS console. It was early; she knew, even if she couldn’t look outside its indescribably blue doors. The Doctor would be sleeping.
It seemed like the first time, she mused, that she’d woken before him. The Doctor always seemed to be awake, always watching. He refused to admit it, but Amy knew that sometimes he even watched her sleep. 
As she took another step to sit down on one of the two chairs in the control room, the TARDIS suddenly lurched forward. Amy was thrown against the console, knocking levers out of place and pressing some multicolored buttons. 
 The time machine began making loud sounds that 
resembled a cat yowling – also while spewing ketchup onto the floor. Alarmed, Amy pressed more buttons and pulled levers. Nothing was working. Steam exploded from somewhere behind her. 
“Amy Pond! What’ve you done this time?!” The Doctor scolded as he sprinted into the room. The Time Lord must have been doing something before he came in. A smear of grime was on one cheek. His dark hair was plastered across his forehead, and his sleeves were pulled up at his elbows. But of course, his bowtie was perfectly in place; it always was.
  He spared one exasperated look at her, then got to work. Amy stepped back and watch him run around the console, murmuring to the TARDIS under his breath and resetting the buttons lovingly.
Lovingly. The one thing he rarely showed to Amy.  
She sighed, brushing her fiery red hair behind an ear as she prepared an apology. 
“Sorry. Something happened – I fell,” she said, her words sharp with her Scottish accent. It sounded stupid as she said it. The Doctor looked at her, a small smile on his face. 
“Don’t worry, Pond. You haven’t done too much damage.. this time.” 
She rolled her eyes, but was glad that he had improved in mood. He turned back to the console and flipped a switch. Amy watched his pale, long hands. She knew his touch was as light and gentle as a feather. Sometimes she wanted to hold his hand, and forget the rest of the world was there.
 But she could see the world. And many more worlds, and galaxies, and wonders in his eyes. Such old, knowing eyes. 
The Doctor brought her thoughts back. “So Pond. When you said ‘something happened’, what did you mean?” He asked, pausing briefly to rest his elbows on the console and gaze casually at her. 
 “The TARDIS just sort of .. y’know. Lurched forward. I think it landed.” 
She figeted with the edge of her red sweater. The Doctor nodded.
“Ah! She landed! Let’s see where she’s taken us this time,” he lept from the console platform to the blue doors and threw them open. 
The countryside had rolling green hills dotted with cows and goats grazing on the grass. Wheat swayed in the wind in the field across from them. It was a cloudless, beautiful, perfect day for exploring. For once, Amy wished that they wouldn’t encounter an alien during this trip. No invasion, no kidnapper/attackers. Just quality time with the Doctor. Alone time.
 The corner of her mouth quirked into a smile.
“Ahh, the country! It reminds me of that time in Scotland!” The Doctor called out as if the cows could hear him. 
Amy looked at him oddly. He hesitated. 
“Nevermind. Forget I said that. Anyway – enjoy the fresh air!” The Doctor inhaled then coughed. “Forget I said that also. It smells like .. horse manure.. Gallifreyan sewers. Ha.” 
They stepped outside and looked around. The Doctor pulled on his tweed jacket, and closed the TARDIS doors. On the outside, it looked like a mere police call box (albeit a striking blue). In reality, it was a time machine. It could be described as “bigger on the inside”.
And the Doctor was a Time Lord. In short: he’s a Gallifreyan, a (pretty much extinct) species of time travelers who look like humans. Or humans look like them. Whatever.
 But there are some differences. Like they have two hearts. Or, instead of dying, they simply regenerate – the same person, with a new face, body, and personality. This was the Doctor’s eleventh regeneration. So the Doctor was around 900 years old, though he looked twenty or so. 
  One day Amy would grow too old for him and he’d move on. That was what she feared, anyway.
“Pond, pay attention.” The Doctor’s voice called her back down to earth. Amy turned around.
“Sorry, what?”
“I SAID we’re in medieval England. Back in the feudal times, where you lot had lords and whatnot. Ooh, and the churches! Let’s go meet some priests!” 
— (three hours later)
“And that’s how I talked giant eyeball prison wardens to leave earth, taking the deadly “Prisoner 0″ off of Earth forever. Oh, and don’t even get me STARTED on the Weeping Angels.” The Doctor nodded in self-satisfaction. 
 The peasant man just stared. “Wha? I’m ‘fraid I don’t understand, sir.. you wanted the directions to what now?” 
“Something interesting,” the Doctor grinned, twirling his sonic screwdriver nonchalantly in his fingers. 
“And safe. You know; maybe some sight-seeing!” Amy cut in. She wanted to do something other than having to fight for her life. 
Of course, the shabby man looked at them like they were from another planet (and technically they were). After a long while he spoke. “Well you see, there’s been a sorta.. disturbance ’round the town. Some people go there and don’t come back! That’ll be pretty interest’n.” He smiled toothily at them. 
“That doesn’t sound exactly scenic..” Amy muttered, but the Doctor rubbed his hands together. 
“Excellent! Now where would we find such a place?” 
The man simply pointed behind the Doctor. In the distance, shadowed from the face of the afternoon sun, was an enormous mansion. Amy wondered how they could have possibly missed that when they first looked around. 
 It would’ve been impossible. Then again, if the Doctor was to be involved, then of course something was going to be impossible.
—(30 minutes later)
Amy tugged on the Doctor’s sleeve. 
“I really don’t want to go in there. You know, those times when you know something’s wrong? I’m getting that feeling right now,” she pleaded. The Doctor turned to look at her. He gave one shake of his head and returned to gazing up at the front of the building. 
Even though it was bright and sunny outside, the house was like the ugly scar of the beautiful country. The grass around it was dead, and the trees brittle and bare. It was definitely a mansion- well-decorated on the outside. It just gave off an impressive (albeit eerie) vibe. 
“Let’s go in,” the Doctor said. Amy began to protest again, but the Doctor had already lept up the stairs and went up to the enormous double-doors. He knocked cheerfully once she stepped up to him. 
  Of course, nothing answered. He took out his sonic and pointed it at the door. The click of the lock inside signaled the Time Lord, and he pushed the two doors open. 
That basically summed it up. The house, though dreary on the outside, looked well-kept and lively on the inside. 
“Don’t touch anything.” The Doctor warned her, like a parent leading a child into an antique shop. He propped the doors open while she ventured inside.
The entire main room was about two livingrooms wide. The floor was black and white checkered marble, with red velvet carpets crisscrossing over the area. A fireplace crackled in the corner to their left. A grand staircase led to the upper floors directly in front of them. 
 The furniture looked modern (for the medieval ages). A red plushy couch sat in front of the fireplace. Busts of royalty appeared every now and then. There was a grand piano, too, in the far corner.
“Fascinating,” said the Doctor as he examined everything carefully, “not a speck of dust on ..anything. Do you suppose there’s a caretaker of some sort?” 
Amy didn’t answer his question. She studied a red vase filled with white lilies. The Doctor glanced at her.
“Remember not to touch anything.” 
“I won’t! I didn’t forget the first time,” Amy retorted. She dropped her hand to go move closer to the Doctor. When she moved forward, she knocked down the pedestal that the vase rested on. It tumbled over and shattered. 
The Doctor spun around, grabbed Amy’s arms, and moved her behind him. He eyed the vase with his sonic primed and ready to go. 
“Amy, I thought I told you..” 
“Sorry!” She squeaked. “Sorry, sorry.” 
Something clunked at the top of the stairs. Amy and the Doctor both looked up. There was a greenish, faint aura that seemed to linger there. 
“That’s .. not a ghost, right Doctor? Doctor?” She asked, starting to get panicky. The Doctor heard her heartbeat begin to speed up.
He raised his sonic and pointed it at the aura, then checked its readings. 
“No, not a ghost. It’s rather like the embodiment of an-”
Amy screamed. The aura sped down the stairs and straight at them – and it passed right through the Doctor. She jumped back, terrified, as the Doctor doubled over. A greenish color swirled about him before dissipating. 
“Doctor?” Amy asked tentatively. The Doctor turned around to face her. She sighed in relief. Nothing seemed to be wrong with him physically. “I think we should leave now. Before something else happens.” 
“No. Let’s stay. I want to explore the rest of the house.”
  The Doctor said this robotically, and spoke in monotone. 
“What? No! Are you okay?” 
Amy began to sense that there was indeed something wrong with the Doctor. He stared at her, then slowly began to move forward, towards her.
“I’ve been alone for so long in this house. So long, Amy.” 
The doors swung shut. Amy backed away. 
“So long without a woman’s touch. The feel of her skin..” 
“Doctor,” she warned lowly. For every step she retreated, he moved forward. “Don’t do this. Fight it.” 
The Doctor just smiled, slowly. There was an agonizing silence,  and then lunged for her.
Amy tried to dash for the side, but he was too quick. He pinned her against a mahogany wall, with her arms up above her. She screamed and fought. But whatever was controlling the Doctor was far too strong. He leaned against her chest and silenced her with a rough kiss to her lips. She could feel him up against her. His erection against her crotch. 
 “Why do you fight me? Isn’t  this what you’ve always wanted?” The Doctor purred. “I know. You’ve been fantasizing about it.” 
 She continued to twist and struggle, but his words were true. Even as he said them, her resistance fell and she began to put more passion into the kisses. When he released her wrists she wrapped them around his waist.
The kisses were intoxicating. She didn’t notice when he slipped off her sweater, pulled away her clothes to reveal her in her black-laced bra and panties. They were a stark contrast to her pale skin.
  He began to undress, too. He threw his jacket aside, undid his suspenders and unbuttoned his shirt. They continued to kiss fiercely, while moving towards the couch. They fell upon the red cushion, with Amy lying on the bottom. It took no time before the Doctor was feeling her breasts and then caring tenderly over them. 
“I .. I need..” She barely panted. She tried to express just how badly she wanted him, but he was going to torture her and take his time. 
 The Doctor did one final kiss and then began to nibble at her ear, causing her to cry out in pleasure. He moved to her neck, then kissed her collarbone. He brushed his lips against each breast in turn, and then trailed soft kisses down her belly, then to her thighs.
 He very slowly pulled her panties down her legs, hunger in his eyes when he saw they were soaking. 
 He put his head between her legs and began to very softly lick up the juices between her thighs. He played with her clit while he did this. Amy was breathless and was struggling not to buck against him. 
“Doctor! Now! Please,” she whimpered, spreading her legs wide for him. The Doctor stepped out of his underwear, revealing his rock hard (and throbbing) cock. He swept forward and with one stroke buried himself in her. She gasped and then moaned. He pulled out so that the tip of his cock was just inside her – then thrust back in again.
 The Doctor put on hand om her hip, and one on her breast, and moved slowly in and out. 
Amy felt amazing, and she was nearly on the brink of orgasm. She felt like wet, wonderful velvet. Everything about her drove the 
Time Lord absolutely mad.
The Doctor was now having trouble staying quiet and he began to grunt with each thrust in her.
He began to go hard, but slow, ramming his full length into her with each time. Amy reached with one hand down to her clit and began to pleasure herself in time with his thrusts. 
 After a short while of this, the Doctor began to go faster. She cried out in surprise at the sudden increase of speed. 
He swiftly changed positions so he was directly above her, and began to fuck her just as quickly as before. She took her hands and ran them through his hair, then grasped his shoulders. Her nails dug into his skin.
This, combined with the amazing heat and pressure he felt against him, finally drove him into climax. He exploded inside her – and sent ropes of cum into her. Almost instantly after, she orgasmed as well. Her pussy tightened around him and her own cum mixed with his. 
As he pulled his limp cock out of her and collapsed, exhausted, onto the couch, sperm gushed out of her. Amy sighed and laid her arms back. Finally, after what she’d longed for for so long, it had happened.
Sure, it took some ghost-mind-influencing. But she went with the “doesn’t matter, had awesome Time-Lord sex” thought. 
The Doctor fell asleep rather quickly. Amy didn’t blame him – he had been controlled by a freaky aura. She put one of the silky blankets over him, then admired the smooth contours of his face. She’d never really noticed it before, but his skin was nearly flawless. He was warm, too, whereas the rest of the room was rather chilly. 
 She sighed once, contentedly. Amy was far too tired to try and find a place to clean herself up at the moment. She returned to the warm cushions, curled up around a pillow, and fell effortlessly into sleep.
 Amy opened her eyes. It was warm, and comfy. She snuggled with the blankets and adjusted her sleeping position. 
   Strange. She had so much room on this couch to stretch. 
Then she realized she was on her bed, in the TARDIS. Her confusion turned to disappointment. 
 She wasn’t in the creepy-medieval-mansion anymore. The Doctor wasn’t curled up sleepily across from her. 
She sighed. It had just been another crazy fantasy that her brain had concocted for her. She climbed out of her cozy bed, rubbing her eyes, and shuffled into the TARDIS console room.
“Good morning, Amelia.” 
The Doctor’s voice came from somewhere below her. Since the console room’s floor was transparent, she peered down to the niche where the Doctor worked on the TARDIS’s technical features. He rested on a hammock, laying before the impossibly difficult machinery that was the TARDIS. 
 “Morning,” she returned casually. He tossed a piece of smoking metal below the hammock. Other mechanical items were strewn about there as well. 
“Still sore from yesterday?” He asked as if he were asking about the weather. 
“What?” Her heart fluttered in hope.
“Don’t tell me you forgot. You were so excited you practically ripped my pants off,” the Doctor said sarcastically. 
“That really happened? The- the ghost and the sex? All of it?” She came down the stairs to peer at the doctor quizzically. The Time Lord merely glanced at her, and smiled. 
 “Go and make yourself some breakfast, Pond. I’ll take you somewhere fun today,” he promised. Amy’s face lit up and she rushed off.
 The Doctor sighed, amused. She may have not remembered, but he remembered every detail. The sweat on her pale skin, the shine of pleasure in her eye.  Amy had wanted that for so long. Oh, he knew. He knew the whole time. He’d been wanting that as well.
 He especially liked to watch while she was sleeping. Her expression was so peaceful. Of course, he’d had almost an hour to observe, because he carried her back to the TARDIS. 
Because she’d been asleep she might have questions. Like if she snored or something silly. But maybe she’d ask if he was still possessed. And .. he might have to .. stretch the truth about that.. 
The Doctor slid off of the hammock and brushed the hair out of his face. The “ghost” wasn’t actually a ghost, it was a sort of bioluminescent buglike creature called a “Clarus creatura” that liked to linger around old human buildings. They ate dust motes, which was why the mansion was spotless. 
And they didn’t actually possess people. The Doctor smiled and prepared to go up and meet her for breakfast.
 He had been in control the whole time. 
But … Amy didn’t need to know that.

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